#LiveData Migrator Monitor E-mail Script
This script will poll LiveData Migrator monitoring critical values and will e-mail if any fall outside acceptable parameters. Example configurations for TLS/SSL and STARTTLS SMTP servers are provided.
The script is designed to be run as a cron job and stores some state between runs in a file.
Script polls the /diagnostics/summary and checks the following metrics:
actionStoreCurrent - total number of actions queued for all migrations, if this number is breached e-mail will be triggered.
actionStoreLargestMigration - if the number of actions queued for a single Migration is breached then e-mail will be sent.
pendingRegionCurrent - number of pending regions for all migrations.
pendingRegionMaxMigration - if the number of pending regions for a Migration exceeds this number an e-mail will be sent.
retryCountDeltaLimit - if the number of retries exceeds this number between executions of the script then an email will be triggered.
periodBetweenEmail - period between emails. Measured in seconds. This limits the number of emails to one period.
The script can be run as follows:
./ldm-monitor.py --config monitor.config
The configuration file monitor.config holds all the configuration necessary.
The configuration file is as follows:
# The LiveData Migrator Endpoint
"api_endpoint" : "http://localhost:18080",
# The username and password for authenticating to LiveData Migrator
"username" : "",
"password" : "",
# File to hold state between runs of script, this holds the
# timestamp of the last Notification sent.
"swp_file" : "/tmp/notifier.swp",
# e-mail address of the sender.
"sender_address" : "[email protected]",
# e-mail addresses to send the Notification to.
"email_addresses": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
# SMTP settings, these are for Gmail. For guidance on how to setup
# an application Gmail account see https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/185833?hl=en
"smtp_host" : "smtp.gmail.com",
"smtp_port" : 465,
"smtp_username" : "[email protected]",
"smtp_password" : "XXXXXXXXXXX",
"smtp_ssl" : true,
"actionStoreCurrent" : 200000,
"actionStoreLargestMigration" : 100000,
"pendingRegionCurrent" : 400000,
"pendingRegionMaxMigration" : 100000,
"retryCountDeltaLimit" : 5,
# Limit to 6 hours between emails, measured in seconds.
"periodBetweenEmail" : 21600
To create a simple test SMTP server run
python -m smtpd -c DebuggingServer -n localhost:1025
There is a configuration file for this server included, monitor.python.test.config.