API Documentation of the DataBridges platform: https://databridges.vam.wfp.org/. For API discussions and details: #api-integration-vam-data-bridges on Slack, Teams channel API Integration - This endpoint uses Hey Jude pattern
This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 1.3.1
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen
Python >=3.6
If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:
pip install git+https://github.com/WFP-VAM/DataBridgesAPI.git
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+https://github.com/WFP-VAM/DataBridgesAPI.git
Then import the package:
import data_bridges_client
Install via Setuptools.
python setup.py install --user
(or sudo python setup.py install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import data_bridges_client
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import time
import data_bridges_client
from pprint import pprint
from data_bridges_client.api import commodities_api
from data_bridges_client.model.bad_request_dto import BadRequestDTO
from data_bridges_client.model.paged_commodity_list_dto import PagedCommodityListDTO
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to https://api.wfp.org/vam-data-bridges/1.3.1
# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = data_bridges_client.Configuration(
host = "https://api.wfp.org/vam-data-bridges/1.3.1"
# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.
# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: default
configuration = data_bridges_client.Configuration(
host = "https://api.wfp.org/vam-data-bridges/1.3.1"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with data_bridges_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = commodities_api.CommoditiesApi(api_client)
country_code = "SEN" # str | The code to identify the country. It can be a ISO-3166 Alpha 3 code or the VAM internal admin0code (optional)
format = "json" # str | Output format: [JSON|CSV] Json is the default value (optional) (default to "json")
env = "prod" # str | Environment. * `prod` - api.vam.wfp.org * `dev` - dev.api.vam.wfp.org (optional)
# Provides the list of categories.
api_response = api_instance.commodities_list_get(country_code=country_code, format=format, env=env)
except data_bridges_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CommoditiesApi->commodities_list_get: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to https://api.wfp.org/vam-data-bridges/1.3.1
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
CommoditiesApi | commodities_categories_list_get | GET /Commodities/Categories/List | Provides the list of categories. |
CommoditiesApi | commodities_list_get | GET /Commodities/List | Provide the detailed list of the commodities available in DataBridges platform |
CommodityUnitsApi | commodity_units_conversion_list_get | GET /CommodityUnits/Conversion/List | Provides conversion factors to Kilogram or Litres for each convertible unit of measure. |
CommodityUnitsApi | commodity_units_list_get | GET /CommodityUnits/List | Provides the detailed list of the unit of measure available in DataBridges platform |
CurrencyApi | currency_list_get | GET /Currency/List | Returns the list of currencies available in the internal VAM database, with Currency 3-letter code, matching with ISO 4217. |
CurrencyApi | currency_usd_indirect_quotation_get | GET /Currency/UsdIndirectQuotation | Returns the value of the Exchange rates from Trading Economics, for official rates, and DataViz for unofficial rates. |
EconomicDataApi | economic_data_indicator_list_get | GET /EconomicData/IndicatorList | Returns the lists of indicators. |
EconomicDataApi | economic_data_indicator_name_get | GET /EconomicData/{indicatorName} | Returns the time series of values for different indicators. |
FoodSecurityApi | food_security_list_get | GET /FoodSecurity/List | |
GorpApi | gorp_latest_get | GET /Gorp/Latest | Return the latest dataset of number of acutely food insecure (in millions) based on WFP Global Operational Response Plan. |
GorpApi | gorp_list_get | GET /Gorp/List | Return the full dataset of number of acutely food insecure (in millions) based on WFP Global Operational Response Plan. |
MarketPricesApi | market_prices_alps_get | GET /MarketPrices/Alps | Returns time series values of ALPS and PEWI. |
MarketPricesApi | market_prices_price_daily_get | GET /MarketPrices/PriceDaily | Returns a daily time series of commodity market prices. |
MarketPricesApi | market_prices_price_monthly_get | GET /MarketPrices/PriceMonthly | Returns a monthly time series of commodity market prices. |
MarketPricesApi | market_prices_price_raw_get | GET /MarketPrices/PriceRaw | Returns original commodity market prices |
MarketPricesApi | market_prices_price_weekly_get | GET /MarketPrices/PriceWeekly | Returns a weekly time series of commodity market prices. |
MarketsApi | markets_geo_json_list_get | GET /Markets/GeoJSONList | Provide a list of geo referenced markets in a specific country |
MarketsApi | markets_list_get | GET /Markets/List | Get a complete list of markets in a country |
MarketsApi | markets_markets_as_csv_get | GET /Markets/MarketsAsCSV | Get a complete list of markets in a country |
MarketsApi | markets_nearby_markets_get | GET /Markets/NearbyMarkets | Find markets near a given location by longitude and latitude within a 15Km distance |
RpmeApi | rpme_output_values_get | GET /Rpme/OutputValues | Processed values for each variable used in the assessments |
RpmeApi | rpme_surveys_get | GET /Rpme/Surveys | Retrieve 1) Survey IDs, 2) their corresponding XLS Form IDs, and 3) Base XLS Form of all RPME surveys conducted in a country. The date of reference, SurveyDate, for the data collection is set by the officer responsible for the upload of each survey. |
RpmeApi | rpme_variables_get | GET /Rpme/Variables | List of variables |
RpmeApi | rpme_xls_forms_get | GET /Rpme/XLSForms | Get a complete list of XLS Forms uploaded on the RPME in a given period of data collection. This is the digital version of the questionnaire used during the data collection exercise. |
SurveysApi | m_fi_surveys_base_data_get | GET /MFI/Surveys/BaseData | Get data that includes the core Market Functionality Index (MFI) fields only by Survey ID |
SurveysApi | m_fi_surveys_full_data_get | GET /MFI/Surveys/FullData | Get a full dataset that includes all the fields included in the survey in addition to the core Market Functionality Index (MFI) fields by Survey ID. To access this data, please contact [email protected] for authorization. |
SurveysApi | m_fi_surveys_get | GET /MFI/Surveys | Retrieve 1) Survey IDs, 2) their corresponding XLS Form IDs, and 3) Base XLS Form of all MFI surveys conducted in a country. A date of reference, SurveyDate, for the data collection is set by the officer responsible of the upload for each survey. |
SurveysApi | m_fi_surveys_processed_data_get | GET /MFI/Surveys/ProcessedData | Get a MFI processed data in long format; levels indicate the data aggregation level 1) Normalized Score, 2) Trader Aggregate Score, 3) Market Aggregate Score, 4) Trader Median, 5) Trader Mean, 6) Market Mean; each line corresponds to one of the nine dimensions of scores plus the final MFI aggregate score; 1) Assortment, 2) Availability, 3) Price, 4) Resilience, 5) Competition, 6) Infrastructure, 7) Service, 8) Quality, 9) Access and Protection, and 10) MFI final score; the variable label describes each variable and its value range |
XlsFormsApi | m_fi_xls_forms_definition_get | GET /MFI/XlsForms/definition | Get a complete set of XLS Form definitions of a given XLS Form ID. This is the digital version of the questionnaire used during the data collection exercise. |
XlsFormsApi | m_fi_xls_forms_get | GET /MFI/XlsForms | Get a complete list of XLS Forms uploaded on the MFI Data Bridge in a given period of data collection. This is the digital version of the questionnaire used during the data collection exercise. |
- BadRequestDTO
- CommodityDTO
- CommodityPriceDTO
- CommodityProcessingDTO
- CommodityQualityDTO
- Coordinate
- CoordinateEqualityComparer
- CoordinateSequence
- CoordinateSequenceFactory
- CurrencyDTO
- Dimension
- EconomicIndicatorProperty
- EconomicIndicatorPropertyPagedResult
- Envelope
- Geometry
- GeometryFactory
- GeometryOverlay
- GorpValueWithChanges
- GorpValueWithChangesPagedResult
- IAttributesTable
- IFeature
- IpcValue
- IpcValuePagedResult
- MFIProcessedDataDTO
- NearbyMarketsDTO
- NtsGeometryServices
- OgcGeometryType
- Ordinates
- PagedCommodityListDTO
- PagedCommodityPriceListDTO
- PagedCommodityWeeklyAggregatedPriceListDTO
- PagedCurrencyListDTO
- PagedProcessedDataDTO
- PagedSurveyListDTO
- PagedXlsFormListDTO
- Point
- PrecisionModel
- PrecisionModels
- ProblemDetails
- RpmeAssessment
- RpmeAssessmentPagedResult
- RpmeOutputValues
- RpmeVariable
- RpmeVariablePagedResult
- SurveyDetailsDTO
- SurveyListDTO
- UsdIndirectQuotation
- UsdIndirectQuotationPagedResult
- ViewExtendedAggregatedPrice
- ViewExtendedAggregatedPricePagedResult
- ViewExtendedAlpsValue
- ViewExtendedAlpsValuePagedResult
- WeeklyAggregatedPrice
- XlsFormDTO
- XlsFormDefinitionDTO
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: OAuth
- Flow: implicit
- Authorization URL: https://api.wfp.org/authorize
- Scopes:
- vamdatabridges_mfi-surveys-fulldata_get: vamdatabridges_mfi-surveys-fulldata_get
- vamdatabridges_marketprices-priceraw_get: vamdatabridges_marketprices-priceraw_get
If the OpenAPI document is large, imports in data_bridges_client.apis and data_bridges_client.models may fail with a RecursionError indicating the maximum recursion limit has been exceeded. In that case, there are a couple of solutions:
Solution 1: Use specific imports for apis and models like:
from data_bridges_client.api.default_api import DefaultApi
from data_bridges_client.model.pet import Pet
Solution 2: Before importing the package, adjust the maximum recursion limit as shown below:
import sys
import data_bridges_client
from data_bridges_client.apis import *
from data_bridges_client.models import *