Pepper service now depends on an account recovery DB, which is deployed as a firestore on GCP. You must have a GCP project in order to run firestore emulator locally. You also need to create a service account, grant firestore access to it, and download its credential file.
In terminal 0, start a local firestore emulator.
gcloud emulators firestore start --host-port=localhost:8081
In terminal 1, set up the environment variables and start the pepper service.
# If specified, firestore library connects to the local emulator instead of the real GCP API.
export FIRESTORE_EMULATOR_HOST=localhost:8081
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="<path-to-your-service-account-credential>"
# Specify the account recovery DB location.
export PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project)
export DATABASE_ID='(default)' # the default name of a local firestore emulator
# Specify an account manager.
# To specify more, do the following:
# export
# export
# Specify the VUF private key.
export VUF_KEY_SEED_HEX=ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
# Start the pepper service.
cargo run -p aptos-keyless-pepper-service
Run the example client in terminal 2.
# In addition to sending a pepper request and verify the response,
# the example client also connects to the account recovery DB and verifies that it was correctly updated by the pepper service.
# So here it relies on the same firestore-related parameters as `aptos-keyless-pepper-service` does.
export FIRESTORE_EMULATOR_HOST=localhost:8081
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="<path-to-your-service-account-credential>"
export PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project)
export DATABASE_ID='(default)' # the default name of a local firestore emulator
# Start the example client.
cargo run -p aptos-keyless-pepper-example-client-rust
This is an interactive console program. Follow the instruction to manually complete a session with the pepper service.
Sorry for the missing examples in other programming languages.
For now please read through example-client-rust/src/
implementation and output:
that is what your frontend needs to do.