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Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful apps for mobile and beyond
[Example APPS] Basic Flutter apps, for flutter devs.
🦌 Flutter 练习项目(包括集成测试、可访问性测试)。内含完整UI设计图,更贴近真实项目的练习。Flutter practice project (including integration testing and accessibility testing). Contains complete UI design drawings for a more realistic prac…
A Flutter staggered grid view
包含350多个组件用法、组件继承关系图、40多个 loading 组件,App升级、验证码、弹幕、音乐字幕 4个插件,一个小而全完整的App项目。
Generate model class from Json file. 一行命令,通过Json文件生成Dart Model类。
Help you to build pull-down refresh and pull-up loading in the simplest way.
基于flutter的Android vpn代理工具 Android VPN Proxy Tool Based on Flutter
This plugin create a binding between your translations from .arb files and your Flutter app.