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A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software
The world’s fastest framework for building websites.
A golang ebook intro how to build a web with golang
TiDB - the open-source, cloud-native, distributed SQL database designed for modern applications.
《The Way to Go》中文译本,中文正式名《Go 入门指南》
beego is an open-source, high-performance web framework for the Go programming language.
👾 Fast and simple video download library and CLI tool written in Go
Learn and understand Docker&Container technologies, with real DevOps practice!
📚 《Go语言高级编程》开源图书,涵盖CGO、Go汇编语言、RPC实现、Protobuf插件实现、Web框架实现、分布式系统等高阶主题(完稿)
Turn any program that uses STDIN/STDOUT into a WebSocket server. Like inetd, but for WebSockets.
Proxy based Redis cluster solution supporting pipeline and scaling dynamically
A Q&A platform software for teams at any scales. Whether it's a community forum, help center, or knowledge management platform, you can always count on Apache Answer.
A book about the internals of the Go programming language.
📖 Go 程序员面试笔试宝典 | 从问题切入,串连 Go 语言相关的所有知识,融会贯通。
Flutter on Windows, MacOS and Linux - based on Flutter Embedding, Go and GLFW.
Language-agnostic persistent background job server
Full-featured BitTorrent client package and utilities
✨ #PTerm is a modern Go module to easily beautify console output. Featuring charts, progressbars, tables, trees, text input, select menus and much more 🚀 It's completely configurable and 100% cross…
📚 Go: Under The Hood | Go 语言原本 |
🌷 awesome awesome go, study golang from basic to proficient。Go Study Guide。从学习 Go 基础语法和高级特性,到实战项目,再到架构微服务,最后到跑路。