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Integration of OpenStreetMap api from Nominatim


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'open_street_map'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install open_street_map


Create OpenStreetMap client object

  client =


Request for search objects is #search. '135 pilkington avenue, birmingham', format: 'json', addressdetails: '1')
q - query
format - one of the [xml|json|jsonv2]
viewbox - The preferred area to find search results like <x1>,<y1>,<x2>,<y2>
bounded - Restrict the results to only items contained with the viewbox, one of the [0|1]
addressdetails - Include a breakdown of the address into elements, one of the [0|1]
exclude_place_ids - If you do not want certain openstreetmap objects to appear in the search result, give a comma separated list of the place_id's you want to skip
limit - Limit the number of returned results, integer
extratags - Include additional information in the result if available, one of the [0|1]
namedetails - Include a list of alternative names in the results, one of the [0|1]
accept_language - Preferred language order for showing search results, default - en


      "licence":"Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https:\/\/\/copyright",
      "display_name":"135, Pilkington Avenue, Sutton Coldfield, Бирмингем, West Midlands Combined Authority, Западный Мидленд, Англия, B72 1LH, Великобритания",
      "address": {
        "road":"Pilkington Avenue",
        "town":"Sutton Coldfield",
        "county":"West Midlands Combined Authority",
        "state_district":"Западный Мидленд",
        "postcode":"B72 1LH",


Request for objects by coordinates is #reverse.

  client.reverse(format: 'json', lat: '52.594417', lon: '39.493115')
format - one of the [xml|json|jsonv2]
zoom - Level of detail required where 0 is country and 18 is house/building, one of the [0-18]
addressdetails - Include a breakdown of the address into elements, one of the [0|1]
lat - Latitude, required
lon - Longitude, required
extratags - Include additional information in the result if available, one of the [0|1]
namedetails - Include a list of alternative names in the results, one of the [0|1]
accept_language - Preferred language order for showing search results, default - en


    "licence":"Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https:\/\/\/copyright",
    "display_name":"4, улица Хренникова, микрорайон Елецкий, Сырский рудник, Советский округ, Липецк, городской округ Липецк, Липецкая область, Центральный федеральный округ, 398000, РФ",
      "road":"улица Хренникова",
      "residential":"микрорайон Елецкий",
      "suburb":"городской округ Липецк",
      "city_district":"Советский округ",
      "state":"Липецкая область",


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.