The course materials for the bioimage analysis workshop at LiMe, KyotoU. Please note that these materials have been heavily adopted from:
- EMBL Bio-IT bioimage analysis workshop, especially the part by Toby Hodges and Jonas Hartmann:
- Introduction to Bioimage Analysis by Pete Bankhead:
- Bioimage Analysis Lecture 2020 by Robert Haase:
- Bioimaging Guide by Various People:
Please prepare the following before the workshop:
- Please install Anaconda ( on your laptop (Yes, you need a laptop) and follow the “Creating a Python Environment for the workshop” workflow below for the setup.
With the Anaconda prompt, create a virtual environment with the name “bioimage-analysis”
conda create --name bioimage-analysis python=3.8
Then activate the environment
conda activate bioimage-analysis
Install all the necessary packages
conda install numpy matplotlib scipy scikit-image ipywidgets jupyter jupyterlab
then install Napari with
python -m pip install "napari[all]"
Launch the Jupyter Lab by
jupyter lab
Navigate to the downloaded files