This is a Rails-Wrapper for picturefill.js:
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'picturefill'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install picturefill
Add this line to your application layout (asset-pipeline enabled)
= javascript_include_tag 'picturefill.all'
Or w/o asset-pipeline, add these two lines:
= javascript_include_tag 'matchmedia.min'
= javascript_include_tag 'picturefill.min'
<%= picturefill(default_url, "AltText") do %>
<%= image(small_url) %>
<%= image(medium_url, :min => 400) %>
<%= image(medium_high_dpi_url, :min => 400, :ratio => 1.5) %>
<%= image(large_url, :min => 1000) %>
<%= image(large_high_dpi_url, "(min-width: 1000px) and (min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)") %>
<%= end %>
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request