SuperTest as Promised supercharges SuperTest with a then
Instead of layering callbacks on callbacks in your tests:
.expect(200, function (err, res) {
if (err) return done(err);
var userId =;
.send({ userId: userId, ... })
.expect(201, function (err, res) {
if (err) return done(err);
// ...
chain your requests like you were promised:
return request(app)
.then(function (res) {
return request(app)
.send({ userId: res})
.then(function (res) {
// ...
SuperTest as Promised operates just like normal SuperTest, except that the
object returned by .get
, .post
, etc. is a proper
var express = require("express")
, request = require("supertest-as-promised");
var app = express();
.then(function (res) {
// ...
If you use a promise-friendly test runner, you can just
return your request
chain from the test case rather than messing with a
describe("GET /kittens", function () {
it("should work", function () {
return request(app).get("/kittens").expect(200);
If you use a SuperTest agent to persist cookies, those are thenable too:
var agent = require("supertest-as-promised").agent(app);
.then(function () {
// ...
To start, only the then
method is exposed. But once you've called .then
once, you've got a proper Bluebird promise that supports the whole gamut of
promisey goodness:
.then(function (res) { /* ... */ })
// I'm a real promise now!
.catch(function (err) { /* ... */ })
See the Bluebird API for everything that's available.
You may find it cleaner to cast directly to a promise using the toPromise
// I'm a real promise now!
.then(function (res) { /* ... */ })
You can supply own promise library so that the promises returned have your convenience methods of choice.
Simply call the SuperTest as Promised module with a ES6-compliant Promise
constructor, and you'll get back a new module configured to return your custom
promises. To swap in when.js, for example:
var when = require("when")
, request;
request = require("supertest-as-promised")(when.Promise);
.then(function (res) { /* ... */ })
// I'm a when.js promise! (instanceof when.Promise == true)
request = require("supertest-as-promised");
.then(function (res) { /* .. */ })
// I'm back to the default Bluebird promise!
$ npm install supertest-as-promised
SuperTest as Promised lists supertest
as a
peer dependency, so it'll wrap whatever version of SuperTest
you've asked for in your own package.json
. If you don't specify a version of
SuperTest, npm will use the latest.
Do note that SuperTest as Promised is a well-behaved citizen and doesn't monkey-patch SuperTest directly:
// I return thenables!
var request = require("supertest-as-promised");
// I'm lame and force you to use callbacks
var request = require("supertest");
We follow semver: the major version number will be upgraded with any breaking change. Breaking changes in each major version are listed below. Consult the changelog for a list of meaningful new features in each version; consult the commit log for a complete list.
- Bluebird has been upgraded to version 2.9.24.