Redshift does not have stored procedures so we will use a simple script runner to execute our ELT and load tasks.
Both script runner and SQLWorkbenchJ will use the same notation for variable expansion: $[?variable]
. This string will be replaced at runtime by the appropriate variable:
There are three types of substitution parameters that can be used through script runner. The first is a set of standard etl params for ease of use:
- -f, from_date, default 1776-07-24
- -t,to_date, default 9999-12-31
- -b, batch_no, default is -1
The second option is for arbitrary variable expansion. This is passed in the following format because rundeck commands don't like json quotes:
- -p, example: -p "param1-val1, param2-val2"
The final option is to use the batchy integration
- -wf, batchy_job, this will substitue parameters from a batchy workflow, this should be a fully qualified batchy job name of the format wf.job, if no job is specified it will assume global
Here is a sample SQL Script. If run in SQL workbench you will be prompted for values for var1 and var2.
drop table if exists zzztemp;
create table zzztemp (
dt timestamp,
var varchar,
from_date timestamp,
batch_no integer
insert into zzztemp
values (getdate(), '$[?var1]', '$[?from_date]', '$[?batch_no]');
insert into zzztemp
values (getdate(), '$[?var2]', '$[?from_date]', '$[?batch_no]');
select * from zzztemp;
In the script runner you would use the following params to substitute that value. It is assumed these params would be dynamically substituted by the calling script or informatica process:
python -m mssql_runner.module -s "sample/mssql_runner_test.sql" -p "var1-cat, var2-dog" -b '9999'
Assuming you had workflow config in batchy under wf3, you could also use this script:
python -m mssql_runner.module -s sample/mssql_runner_test.sql -wf wf3