This module contains copies of files belonging to BAM. Fixes should be committed to BAM and then copied here, to keep versions in sync.
Blender is bundled with a version of BAM. To update this version, first build a new wheel file in BAM itself:
python3 bdist_wheel
Since we do not want to have binaries in the addons repository, unpack this wheel to Blender by running:
python3 /path/to/blender-asset-manager/dist/blender_bam-xxx.whl
This script also updates
to update the version number of the extracted
wheel, and removes any pre-existing older versions of the BAM wheels.
The version number and .whl
extension are maintained in the directory name on purpose.
This way it is clear that it is not a directory to import directly into Blender itself.
Furthermore, I (Sybren) hope that it helps to get changes made in the addons repository
back into the BAM repository.
This is the way that Blender runs bam-pack:
PYTHONPATH=./path/to/blender_bam-xxx.whl python3 -m bam.pack