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Scripts to update the GitHub Pages website

The scripts in this directory are only for internal use to update the GitHub Pages website associated with this project whenever a new version of the Requests library is released.

They are used in the update-website.yml GitHub Actions workflow.

To run a test build of the GitHub Pages site locally, execute the following steps:

Preparation in this repo:

  • Pre-requisite: use PHP 7.2 or higher.
  • From within this subdirectory, run composer update -W.
  • Delete the build/ghpages/artifacts subdirectory completely.

Preparation of the GitHub Pages branch:

  • Clone this repo a second time outside of the root of this clone and check out the gh-pages branch.
  • Create a new branch (git).
  • Delete the api directory completely.
  • Delete the docs directory completely.

Switch to the project root directory in this clone and:

  • Run php build/ghpages/update-docgen-config.php to retrieve the latest tag number from the GH API and create/update the phpdoc.xml config.
  • If this was the first time you ran the above script, you now need to edit the phpdoc.xml file and update the path in the <paths> - <output> config to point to the root/api directory of the "gh-pages" clone of the repo.
  • Run php build/ghpages/vendor/bin/phpdoc to generate the API docs.
  • Run php build/ghpages/update-markdown-docs.php --target=path/to/gh-pages/root to generate versions of the markdown docs suitable for use in GH Pages.

You can then use git diff to verify the GH Pages site was updated correctly.