- Repository maintenance, split off from main repo, improve test suite and documentation
- First class support for PHP7 and HHVM (#34 by @clue)
- Adjust compatibility to 5.3 (#30 by @clue)
- Bug fix: Fixed PSR-4 autoload path (@marcj/WyriHaximus)
- BC break: Bump minimum PHP version to PHP 5.4, remove 5.3 specific hacks
- BC break: Update to React/Promise 2.0
- Bug fix: Properly resolve CNAME aliases
- Dependency: Autoloading and filesystem structure now PSR-4 instead of PSR-0
- Bump React dependencies to v0.4
- Feature: Support default port for IPv6 addresses (@clue)
- Bump React dependencies to v0.3
- Feature: New cache component, used by DNS
- Version bump
- Feature: Change to promise-based API (@jsor)
- Version bump
- Feature: DNS executor timeout handling (@arnaud-lb)
- Feature: DNS retry executor (@arnaud-lb)
- Minor adjustments to DNS parser
- Feature: DNS resolver