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Change Log

Version 2.0.0-beta4 (2016-02-04)

  • New: Call instance is now passed to both onResponse and onFailure methods of Callback. This aids in detecting when onFailure is called as a result of Call.cancel() by checking Call.isCanceled().
  • New: Call.request() returns (optionally creating) the Request object for the call. Note: If this is called before Call.execute() or Call.enqueue() this will do relatively expensive work synchronously. Doing so in performance-critical sections (like on the Android main thread) should be avoided.
  • New: Support for the release version of OkHttp 3.0 and newer.
  • New: adapter-guava module provides a CallAdapter.Factory for Guava's ListenableFuture.
  • New: adapter-java8 module provides a CallAdapter.Factory for Java 8's CompleteableFuture.
  • New: ScalarsConverterFactory (from converter-scalars module) now supports parsing response bodies into either String, the 8 primitive types, or the 8 boxed primitive types.
  • New: Automatic support for sending callbacks to the iOS main thread when running via RoboVM.
  • New: Method annotations are now passed to the factory for request body converters. This allows converters to alter the structure of both request bodies and response bodies with a single method-level annotation.
  • Each converter has been moved to its own package under retrofit2.converter.<name>. This prevents type collisions when many converters are simultaneously in use.
  • Fix: Exceptions thrown when unable to locate a CallAdapter.Factory for a method return type now correctly list the CallAdapter.Factory instances checked.
  • Fix: Ensure default methods on service interfaces can be invoked.
  • Fix: Correctly resolve the generic parameter types of collection interfaces when subclasses of those collections are used as method parameters.
  • Fix: Do not encode / characters in @Path replacements when encoded = true.

Version 2.0.0-beta3 (2016-01-05)

  • New: All classes have been migrated to the retrofit2.* package name. The Maven groupId is now com.squareup.retrofit2. This is in accordance with the Java Interoperability Policy for Major Version Updates. With this change Retrofit 2.x can coexiest with Retrofit 1.x in the same project.
  • New: Update to use the OkHttp 3 API and OkHttp 3.0.0-RC1 or newer is now required. Similar to the previous point, OkHttp has a new package name (okhttp3.*) and Maven groupId (com.squareup.okhttp3) which allow it to coexist with OkHttp 2.x in the same project.
  • New: String converters allow for custom serialization of parameters that end up as strings (such as @Path, @Query, @Header, etc.). Converter.Factory has a new stringConverter method which receives the parameter type and annotations and can return a converter for that type. This allows providing custom rendering of types like Date, User, etc. to a string before being used for its purpose. A default converter will call toString() for any type which retains the mimics the previous behavior.
  • New: OkHttp's Call.Factory type is now used as the HTTP client rather than using the OkHttpClient type directly (OkHttpClient does implement Call.Factory). A callFactory method has been added to both Retrofit.Builder and Retrofit to allow supplying alternate implementations of an HTTP client. The client(OkHttpClient) method on Retrofit.Builder still exists as a convenience.
  • New: isExecuted() method returns whether a Call has been synchronously or asynchronously executed.
  • New: isCanceled() method returns whether a Call has been canceled. Use this in onFailure to determine whether the callback was invoked from cancellation or actual transport failure.
  • New: converter-scalars module provides a Converter.Factory for converting String, the 8 primitive types, and the 8 boxed primitive types as text/plain bodies. Install this before your normal converter to avoid passing these simple scalars through, for example, a JSON converter.
  • New: Converter.Factory methods now receive a Retrofit instance which also now has methods for querying the next converter for a given type. This allows implementations to delegate to others and provide additional behavior without complete reimplementation.
  • New: @OPTIONS annotation more easily allows for making OPTIONS requests.
  • New: @Part annotation now supports List and array types.
  • New: The @Url annotation now allows using or (in addition to String) as parameter types for providing relative or absolute endpoint URLs dynamically.
  • New: The retrofit-mock module has been rewritten with a new BehaviorDelegate class for implementing fake network behavior in a local mock implementation of your service endpoints. Documentation and more tests are forthcoming, but the SimpleMockService demonstrates its use for now.
  • Fix: Forbid Retrofit's Response type and OkHttp's Response type as the response body type given to a Call (i.e., Call<Response>). OkHttp's ResponseBody type is the correct one to use when the raw body contents are desired.
  • Fix: The Gson converter now respects settings on the supplied Gson instance (such as serializeNulls). This requires Gson 2.4 or newer.
  • The Wire converter has been updated to the Wire 2.0 API.
  • The change in 2.0.0-beta2 which provided the Retrofit instance to the onResponse callback of Callback has been reverted. There are too many edge cases around providing the Retrofit object in order to allow deserialization of the error body. To accommodate this use case, pass around the Retrofit response manually or implement a custom CallAdapter.Factory does so automatically.

Version 2.0.0-beta2 (2015-09-28)

  • New: Using a response type of Void (e.g., Call<Void>) will ignore and discard the response body. This can be used when there will be no response body (such as in a 201 response) or whenever the body is not needed. @Head requests are now forced to use this as their response type.
  • New: validateEagerly() method on Retrofit.Builder will verify the correctness of all service methods on calls to create() instead of lazily validating on first use.
  • New: Converter is now parameterized over both 'from' and 'to' types with a single convert method. Converter.Factory is now an abstract class and has factory methods for both request body and response body.
  • New: Converter.Factory and CallAdapter.Factory now receive the method annotations when being created for a return/response type and the parameter annotations when being created for a parameter type.
  • New: callAdapter() method on Retrofit allows querying a CallAdapter for a given type. The nextCallAdapter() method allows delegating to another CallAdapter from within a CallAdapter.Factory. This is useful for composing call adapters to incrementally build up behavior.
  • New: requestConverter() and responseConverter() methods on Retrofit allow querying a Converter for a given type.
  • New: onResponse method in Callback now receives the Retrofit instance. Combined with the responseConverter() method on Retrofit, this provides a way of deserializing an error body on Response. See the DeserializeErrorBody sample for an example.
  • New: The MoshiConverterFactory has been updated for its v1.0.0.
  • Fix: Using ResponseBody for the response type or RequestBody for a parameter type is now correctly identified. Previously these types would erroneously be passed to the supplied converter.
  • Fix: The encoding of @Path values has been corrected to conform to OkHttp's HttpUrl.
  • Fix: Use form-data content disposition subtype for @Multipart.
  • Fix: Observable and Single-based execution of requests now behave synchronously (and thus requires subscribeOn() for running in the background).
  • Fix: Correct GsonConverterFactory to honor the configuration of the Gson instances (such as not serializing null values, the default).

Version 2.0.0-beta1 (2015-08-27)

  • New: Call encapsulates a single request/response HTTP call. A call can by run synchronously via execute() or asynchronously via enqueue() and can be canceled with cancel().
  • New: Response is now parameterized and includes the deserialized body object.
  • New: @Url parameter annotation allows passing a complete URL for an endpoint.
  • New: OkHttp is now required as a dependency. Types like TypedInput and TypedOutput (and its implementations), Request, and Header have been replaced with OkHttp types like RequestBody, ResponseBody, and Headers.
  • New: CallAdapter (and Factory) provides extension point for supporting multiple execution mechanisms. An RxJava implementation is provided by a sibling module.
  • New: Converter (and Factory) provides extension point for supporting multiple serialization mechanisms. Gson, Jackson, Moshi, Protobuf, Wire, and SimpleXml implementations are provided by sibling modules.
  • Fix: A lot of things.
  • Hello Droidcon NYC 2015!

Version 1.9.0 (2015-01-07)

  • Update to OkHttp 2.x's native API. If you are using OkHttp you must use version 2.0 or newer (the latest is 2.2 at time of writing) and you no longer need to use the okhttp-urlconnection shim.
  • New: Allow disabling Simple XML Framework's strict parsing.
  • New: @Header now accepts a List or array for a type.
  • New: @Field and @FieldMap now have options for enabling or disabling URL encoding of names and values.
  • Fix: Remove query parameters from thread name when running background requests for asynchronous use.

Version 1.8.0 (2014-11-18)

  • Update to RxJava 1.0. This comes with the project's 'groupId' change from to io.reactivex which is why the minor version was bumped.

Version 1.7.1 (2014-10-23)

  • Fix: Correctly log null request arguments for HEADERS_AND_ARGS log level.

Version 1.7.0 (2014-10-08)

  • New: RetrofitError's getKind() now disambiguates the type of error represented.
  • New: HEADERS_AND_ARGS log level displays parameters passed to method invocation along with normal header list.
  • New: @Part and @PartMap now support specifying the Content-Transfer-Encoding of their respective values.
  • New: @Path, @Query, and @QueryMap now have options for enabling or disabling URL encoding on names (where appropriate) and values.
  • @Header now accepts all object types, invoking String.valueOf when neccesary.
  • Attempting to use a @Path replacement block ({name}) in a query parameter now suggested @Query in the exception message.
  • Fix: Correct NPE when Content-Type override is specified on requests without a body.
  • Fix: WireConverter now correctly throws ConversionException on incorrect MIME types for parity with ProtoConverter.
  • Fix: Include Content-Type on AppEngine requests.
  • Fix: Account for NPE on AppEngine when the response URL was not automatically populated in certain cases.
  • Fix: MockRestAdapter's RxJava support now correctly schedules work on the HTTP executor, specifically when chaining multiple requests together.
  • Experimental RxJava support updated for v0.20.

Version 1.6.1 (2014-07-02)

  • Fix: Add any explicitly-specified 'Content-Type' header (via annotation or param) to the request even if there is no request body (e.g., DELETE).
  • Fix: Include trailing CRLF in multi-part uploads to work around a bug in .NET MVC 4 parsing.
  • Fix: Allow null mock exception bodies and use the success type from the declared service interface.

Version 1.6.0 (2014-06-06)

  • New: @Streaming on a Response type will skip buffering the body to a byte[] before delivering.
  • When using OkHttp, version 1.6.0 or newer (including 2.0.0+) is now required.
  • The absence of a response body and an empty body are now differentiated in the log messages.
  • Fix: If set, the RequestInterceptor is now applied at the time of Observable subscription rather than at the time of its creation.
  • Fix: Callback subtypes are now supported when using MockRestAdapter.
  • Fix: RetrofitError now contains a useful message indicating the reason for the failure.
  • Fix: Exceptions thrown when parsing the response type of the interface are now properly propagated.
  • Fix: Calling Response#getBody when null body now correctly returns instead of throwing an NPE.
  • Experimental RxJava support updated for v0.19.
  • The Content-Type and Content-Length headers are no longer automatically added to the header list on the Request object. This reverts erroneous behavior added in v1.5.0. Custom Client implementations should revert to adding these headers based on the TypedInput body of the Request.

Version 1.5.1 (2014-05-08)

  • New: @PartMap annotation accepts a Map of key/value pairs for multi-part.
  • Fix: MockRestAdpater uses the ErrorHandler from its parent RestAdapter.
  • Experimental RxJava support updated for v0.18 and is now lazily initialized.

Version 1.5.0 (2014-03-20)

  • New: Support for AppEngine's URL Fetch HTTP client.
  • New: Multipart requests of unknown length are now supported.
  • New: HTTP Content-Type can be overridden with a method-level or paramter header annotation.
  • New: Exceptions from malformed interface methods now include detailed information.
  • Fix: Support empty HTTP response status reason.
  • If an ErrorHandler is supplied it will be invoked for Callback and Observable methods.
  • HTTP PATCH method using HttpUrlConnection is no longer supported. Add the OkHttp jar to your project if you need this behavior.
  • Custom Client implementations should no longer set Content-Type or Content-Length headers based on the TypedInput body of the Request. These headers will now be added automatically as part of the standard Request header list.

Version 1.4.1 (2014-02-01)

  • Fix: @QueryMap, @EncodedFieldMap, and @FieldMap now correctly detect Map-based parameter types.

Version 1.4.0 (2014-01-31)

  • New: @Query and @EncodedQuery now accept List or arrays for multiple values.
  • New: @QueryMap and @EncodedQueryMap accept a Map of key/value pairs for query parameters.
  • New: @Field now accepts List or arrays for multiple values.
  • New: @FieldMap accepts a Map of name/value pairs for form URL-encoded request bodies.
  • New: Endpoint replaces Server as the representation of the remote API root. The Endpoints utility class contains factories methods for creating instances. Server and ChangeableServer are now deprecated.
  • SimpleXmlConverter and JacksonConverter now have a default constructor.
  • Response now includes the URL.
  • Fix: Hide references to optional classes to prevent over-eager class verifiers from complaining (e.g., Dalvik).
  • Fix: Properly detect and reject interfaces which extend from other interfaces.

Version 1.3.0 (2013-11-25)

  • New: Converter module for SimpleXML.
  • New: Mock module which allows simulating real network behavior for local service interface implementations. See 'mock-github-client' example for a demo.
  • New: RxJava Observable support! Declare a return type of Observable<Foo> on your service interfaces to automatically get an observable for that request. (Experimental API)
  • Fix: Use ObjectMapper's type factory when deserializing (Jackson converter).
  • Multipart POST requests now stream their individual part bodies.
  • Log chunking to 4000 characters now only happens on the Android platform.

Version 1.2.2 (2013-09-12)

  • Fix: Respect connection and read timeouts on supplied OkHttpClient instances.
  • Fix: Ensure connection is closed on non-200 responses.

Version 1.2.1 (2013-08-30)

Version 1.2.0 (2013-08-23)

  • New: Additional first-party converters for Jackson and Protocol Buffers! These are provided as separate modules that you can include and pass to RestAdapter.Builder's setConverter.
  • New: @EncodedPath and @EncodedQuery annotations allow provided path and query params that are already URL-encoded.
  • New: @PATCH HTTP method annotation.
  • Fix: Properly support custom HTTP method annotations in UrlConnectionClient.
  • Fix: Apply RequestInterceptor during method invocation rather than at request execution time.
  • Change setDebug to setLogLevel on RestAdapter and RestAdapter.Builder and provide two levels of logging via LogLevel.
  • Query parameters can now be added in a request interceptor.

Version 1.1.1 (2013-06-25)

  • Fix: Ensure @Headers-defined headers are correctly added to requests.
  • Fix: Supply reasonable connection and read timeouts for default clients.
  • Fix: Allow passing null for a @Part-annotated argument to remove it from the multipart request body.

Version 1.1.0 (2013-06-20)

  • Introduce RequestInterceptor to replace RequestHeaders. An interceptor provided to the RestAdapter.Builder will be called for every request and allow setting both headers and additional path parameter replacements.
  • Add ErrorHandler for customizing the exceptions which are thrown when synchronous methods return non-200 error codes.
  • Properly parse responses which erroneously omit the "Content-Type" header.

Version 1.0.2 (2013-05-23)

  • Allow uppercase letters in path replacement identifiers.
  • Fix: Static query parameters in the URL are now correctly appended with a separating '?'.
  • Fix: Explicitly allow or forbid null as a value for method parameters.
    • @Path - Forbidden
    • @Query - Allowed
    • @Field - Allowed
    • @Part - Forbidden
    • @Body - Forbidden
    • @Header - Allowed

Version 1.0.1 (2013-05-13)

  • Fix: Correct bad regex behavior on Android.

Version 1.0.0 (2013-05-13)

Initial release.