- almarid - a mastodon bot mocking IRC spambots.
- appsluggr - appsluggr packages a precompiled binary application as a Heroku style slug for use with Dokku.
- cadeybot - Markov bot based on my discord GDPR dump.
- ff-primitive - Farbfeld filter to apply Primitive to images piped through it.
- frequency - litbot/user frequency counter for Ponyville FM.
- furrybb - boosts everything with #furry on mastodon (inactive).
- idp - IndieAuth authorization endpoint.
- ilo-kesi - ni li ilo sona pi toki pona.
- la-baujmi - An accidentally created type system with toki pona.
- license - Generate software licenses from a rather large list of templates.
- mainsanow - ni li ilo sona tenpo pi ma insa.
- mkapp - Creates the credentials needed for mastodon bots as I use them.
- pdevbitcoinbot - A simple webhook discord bot for bitcoin price stats powered by cron.
- polyglot - Braces algorithm Telegram bot for Lojban and toki pona.
- priorworkgen - Lists all of my GitHub repositories for job stuff.
- quickserv - Quickly and dirtily serve a folder as a HTTP server.
- thumber - Automagically creates thumbnail images for a folder of images.
- tptrans - Translates toots with #tokipona from toki pona -> english.
- within.website - Go vanity domain for some of my packages.
All of these are Go libraries.
- github.com/Xe/x/idp/middleware - a simple HTTP middleware that protects routes using idp(1).
- github.com/Xe/x/localca - localca uses an autocert.Cache to store and generate TLS certificates for domains on demand.
- github.com/Xe/x/markov - markov chain generation.
- github.com/Xe/x/tun2 - tunnels HTTP requests over existing, long-lived connections using smux[1] and optionally kcp[2] to enable more reliable transport.
- github.com/Xe/x/web - common HTTP error types.
- github.com/Xe/x/web/discordwebhook - Discord webhooks.
- github.com/Xe/x/web/switchcounter - a simple interface to the https://www.switchcounter.science/ API.
- github.com/Xe/x/web/tokiponatokens - a wrapper to a Toki Poka tokenizer.