Using py.test to validate coverage and behavior of Robinhood methods. Devs should feel confident that when they use this library, that their data is being handled properly and reliably, especially when real-money could be on the line.
has been included to make adjusting globals easy. NOTE DO NOT COMMIT SECRETS usetest_config_local.cfg
to track secrets like login information- Don't forget to build a virtualenv
- Coverage is designed to be version-agnostic. Both Py2/Py3 are covered
- requires running in py2 or py3 virtualenv to test
Testing is easy:
python test
- Coverage is included as a review tool, not a requirement
allows for sequence/group tests more info- Some tests are squishy due to update windows, may require retry loops
- flaky has been included to retry weird tests
- DO NOT TEST DURING TRADING HOURS will assert on price data
- Add test coverage for