Implementation of 2 apps using Mininet as a Virtual Network Simulator and OpenDaylight platform for creating a Software-Defined-Networking Controller.
In this sequence:
export TERM=exterm-color
./distribution-karaf-0.5.4-Boron-SR4/bin/karaf –of13
sudo python2
cd net-man-app && sudo npm start
Login to OpenDaylight:
user: admin
pass: admin
Navigate to: http://localhost:3000
You will be prompted with the network creation page. Select the netowrk properties or just press default values.
Note: Djikstra is pointless for a Linear Network, so if you want to inspect that functionality don't choose Linear.
Note: If tree topology is selected, it might take some time to create the network since the network size increases exponentially based on the input parameters. We suggest that for demo purposes you select a smaller network tree.
NOTE: if you close mininet abruptly (ie. Ctrl+C) use this to reset it:sudo mn -c
This demo show how to create a network on the app:
This is a demo of the Network Overview app and the stastistics it provides:
Node.js application for extracting statistics from OpenDaylight about the network.
It runs on localhost:3000
OpenAPI API's:
http://localhost:8181/restconf/operational/opendaylight-inventory:nodes/node/' + nodeId + '/table/' + tableId
http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/opendaylight-inventory:nodes/node/' + nodeId
nodeId + '/flow-node-inventory:table/'+tableId + '/flow/'+flowId
Uses Djikstra Shortest Path algorithm implementation on the network in order to find the shortest path between two switches. After finding the shortest path between two switches, then install some flows to create a path between them. It uses Flask micro web framework to provide a web interface for the functions of our app.