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jQuery Cloneya Build Status

Cloneya is a jQuery class useful for cloning DOM elements with their children. I wanted to be able to clone form inputs and groups of form inputs or fieldsets, or even whole forms. With time, I've hopefully made it very generic.



To install Cloneya using Bower, on the command line, run

bower install cloneya

Learn more about installing bower packages


To install Cloneya using npm, on the command line, run

npm install cloneya


Cloneya must be invoked on a wrapper with the clonable items as children. It automatically recognizes this markup, by default (except the clone-wrapper) :

	<div class="clone-wrapper">
		<div class="toclone">
			<div class="clone">+</div>
			<div class="delete">-</div>


View demo with examples

            minimum		    : 1,
            maximum         : 999,
            cloneThis		: '.toclone',
            valueClone		: false,
            dataClone		: false,
            deepClone		: false,
            cloneButton		: '.clone',
            deleteButton	: '.delete',
            clonePosition	: 'after',
            serializeID     : true,
            ignore	    	    : 'label.error',
            preserveChildCount  : false


The detailed documentation has been moved over at the Wiki.


  • If you can provide some technical insight into the issue and know what a bug is and what an enhancement is, please create an issue accordingly.

  • Please show us your complete code with jsfiddle or something similar, if you want us to be able to help you!

  • If you prefer Stackoverflow, tag your question with jquery-cloneya tag. (Please read how to ask. Your question could be closed, if not asked properly!)


  • Please do not send pull requests to the stable branch.

  • Please create a new ticket before setting out to add new features or enhancements, so that we may discuss it. Any pull requests without such discussions may not be accepted.

  • If fixing a bug, create a new ticket describing the bug and refer the ticket number in the commit message.

  • Please run all the unit tests by running grunt before committing and sending pull requests.

  • If adding or modifying a feature, be sure to update:

a. the appropriate QUnit unit tests in tests/jquery-cloneya.html. a. the appropriate demo in demo/index.html. a. the Wiki a. the examples in the gh-pages branch that shows up on the pages here

  • If for some reason, you can't do 3 and 4, let us know by creating a new ticket. If you don't, the pull request won't be accepted (sorry!). 1 and 2 are absolute must.