main (kernel enty point)
kinit1 (frees pages)
freerange (frees pages)
- kfree (frees single page)
kvmalloc (builds new page table)
setupkvm (sets up kernel page table)
mappages (adds translations to page table)
walkpgdir (allocates and maps page)
kalloc (allocates page)
memset (clean new page)
seginit (sets up segmentation table)
tvinit (initializes interrupt table)
kinit2 (frees pages)
freerange (frees pages)
- kfree (frees single page)
userinit (initialize the First Process)
allocproc (allocates new proc)
setupkvm (sets up kernel page table)
mappages (adds translations to page table)
walkpgdir (allocates and maps page)
kalloc (allocates page)
memset (clean new page)
inituvm (allocates and maps single page, and copies First Process code to it)
idtinit (sets %IDTR to point at existing interrupt table)
scheduler (runs runnable processes)
acquire (locks process table)
- pushcli (makes us ignore interrupts)
switchuvm (prepares proc's kernel stack and makes TSS point to it)
swtch (saves current context on proc, and switch to new proc)
switchkvm (switches back to kernel page table)
release (unlocks process table)
- popcli (makes us stop ignoring interrupts)
fork (creates child process)
allocproc (allocates new proc)
copyuvm (copies memory)
setupkvm (sets up kernel page table)
mappages *(adds translations to page table)
walkpgdir (allocates and maps page)
kalloc (allocates page)
memset (clean new page)
walkpgdir (validate that page mapping exists, without allocating or cleaning)
kalloc (allocate new page for user-code)
memmove (copy page data)
mappages (add user-code page)
- walkpgdir (maps page, without allocating or cleaning)
freevm (free page table in case of error)
deallocuvm ()
walkpgdir (get entry of internal page)
kfree (free actual page)
kfree (free inner table)
kfree (free outer table)
kfree (if error, free kernel-stack)