This is the course homepage for Math 241 for the Fall semester 2016 at Queens College, City University of New York taught by Professor Adam Kapelner. The syllabus can be found here.
My lectures can be listened to as tracks and lecture notes are also scanned in as PDF files contributed by students and myself. Clyp has an iphone and android app as well.
- Lecture 3 (audio) (Prof)
- Lecture 2 (audio) (Monique Tang) (Andrew Kwak) (Prof)
- Lecture 1 (audio) (Monique Tang) (Andrew Kwak) (ZhaoHua Tan) (Prof)
- Homework 1 (download) (view) (due 9/6/16)
- Homework 0 (download) See page 6 (due 8/30/16)
- Midterm I September 22 (in class).
(practice exam 1) (practice exam 1 solutions)
(practice exam 2) (practice exam 2 solutions)
(practice exam 3) (practice exam 3 solutions)
- Midterm II November 15 (in class).
(practice exam 1) (practice exam 1 solutions)
(practice exam 2) (practice exam 2 solutions)
(practice exam 3) (practice exam 3 solutions)
- Final December ?
(practice exam 1) (practice exam 1 solutions)
(practice exam 2) (practice exam 2 solutions)
(practice exam 3) (practice exam 3 solutions)
I want you to come to office hours! My office hours are:
Time: Tues 3:00-3:50PM / Thurs 5:30-6PM Location: Kiely Hall 604 (my office)
You can check your grades in realtime at You type in your CUNYFirst ID# and a password. To receive a password, you have to email me (I cannot post them due to privacy concerns). Do not share your password with anyone.