1.3.11 (2016-05-18)
Core: onStart callback (802356c)
templates: optional error and warning of missing template (5657db4), closes #1274
In templates, the best practice is to move away from
package and to import the template's content with the urigo:static-templates package. This is not a breaking change but you can start migrating if you want.
1.3.10 (2016-04-11)
- #1309: Scope.bindToContext() will be applied on scope if no context is specified, and a (210f16a)
- autorun: destroy event listener once autorun has been stopped (2ae0c22)
1.3.8 (2016-03-28)
- reactive: empty collection on cursor change (252d2d4)
- viewmodel: Scope and view model logics can now be used all together (c78c507)
- viewmodel: View model and scope can both use 'getReactively' (dc0eb88)
- commonjs support for es6 modules (67a218f)
- fix missing dependencies in npm (ccf5eec)
- reactive: skip comparing on initial data (21a1805)