This tool makes padrings for ASICs using a LEF file and a placement/configuration file.
The padrings can be output in GDS2, DEF and/or SVG format.
Check out the example in the example
- -h : show help.
- -L, --lef <filename> : mandatory, filename of LEF file that describes the ASIC cells.
- --svg <filename> : optional, filename of SVG to generate.
- --def <filename> : optional, filename of DEF to generate.
- --filler <prefix> : optional, filler cell prefix string to use when searching for filler cells.
- -o, --output <filename> : optional, filename of GDS2 to generate.
The filler cells are auto-detected by the padring program. Should this process fail, the user can add an explicit prefix which will be used to find the filler cells.
The following commands are available:
- Sets the placement grid size in microns.
- Optional
- Default = 1 micron
- Defines the chip size in microns.
- Mandatory
- instance_name: name of the corner instance, i.e. corner_1.
- location: location of the corner, one of NE,SE,NW,SW.
- cell_name: name of corner cell from the cell library.
- instance_name: name of the pad instance, i.e. gpio_1.
- location: location of the pad, one of N,S,E,W.
- cell_name: name of pad cell from the cell library.
- space: the space between the preceeding and succeeding cell, in microns.
Space between the I/O pads is distributed evenly unless a specific space between two pads is specified directly using the SPACE command.
- CMAKE 3.10 or better.
- Ninja build.
- C++17 capable compiler.
- Optionally: Doxygen.
- Run
to initialize the CMAKE/Ninja build system. - Run
from the build directory.