This project is designed to create a moderation light World of Warcraft guild website. Information about your guild is loaded from through api calls and news is loaded from your discord channel to create a dynamic site that takes no maintenance! Check out for a preview.
Sign up for Heroku, then click the button below.
Modify the options as specified below:
- DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID: Ensure development mode is active and obtain your channel id
- DISCORD_KEY: This key will be the discord bot's token, following the format 'Bot '. Ensure that the bot is registered for permission to the channel referenced above.
- BNET_API_KEY: API key for Blizzard API. You can apply for a key here.
- BNET_REGION: region. (us, eu, etc)
- WOW_REALM: World of Warcraft realm/server name
- WOW_GUILD: Name of World of Warcraft Guild
- WOW_CHARACTER_NAME: Name of character to track progression data on. Must be a member of the selected guild. It is usually best to select someone like the guild leader.
- WOW_RAIDS: Comma seperated list of raids to display progression for. (e.g 'The Emerald Nightmare,Hellfire Citadel,Firelands')
- REPORT_USERNAME: Username for authentication moderate reports
- REPORT_PASSWORD: Password for authentication moderate reports
Click Deploy to create you're new guild website.
Make sure you have installed the following plugins:
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
vagrant plugin install vagrant-librarian-chef-nochef
Then you can vagrant up