A pixel Art & Animation Creating Tool Built using HTML5 Canvas.
It is a Progressive Web App (PWA) with offline compatibility.
It is mobile-friendly and is very easy to use.
This App is Available at both these locations https://pixelcraft.web.app/ https://rgab1508.github.io/PixelCraft
On opening, you will get a screen as Follows
You can choose Any Dimensions for your Canvas, 16 X 16 is the default dimension.
Dimensions below 128 X 128 are preferable for smooth operation and GIF creation.
The List Of all Tools and methods to use them are as follows
The Pencil tool is the most basic tool and is used to draw pixels Freehand
The Eraser tool is used to erase a given pixel 1 pixel at a time. It has dimensions 1X1 and is fixed.
The Paint tool is used to Flood Fill a given color with a new color. It works smoothly for dimensions under 128 X 128.