Given TrackEval to write a little bit complicated, could not too friendly for beginners, so I want to a simple optimization makes it easier to evaluate custom data sets
Implementation of Nyström Self-attention, from the paper Nyströmformer
Implementation of a memory efficient multi-head attention as proposed in the paper, "Self-attention Does Not Need O(n²) Memory"
Lightning Attention-2: A Free Lunch for Handling Unlimited Sequence Lengths in Large Language Models
[ECCV2022] MOTR: End-to-End Multiple-Object Tracking with TRansformer
[CVPR2023] MOTRv2: Bootstrapping End-to-End Multi-Object Tracking by Pretrained Object Detectors
High-Resolution Image Synthesis with Latent Diffusion Models
Stable Diffusion web UI
🎥 豆瓣电影推荐系统(Douban Movie Recommendation System)根据豆瓣电影数据以及豆瓣用户的观影和影评数据,使用基于物品的协同过滤算法对用户进行个性化推荐,并设计GUI进行用户交互。