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Introduction to image-builder-bob


Bob is a CLI responsible for building and pushing workspace images during workspace startup.

For each image build, a headless workspace gets created in the meta cluster by image-builder-mk3 (#7845 will move the headless workspace and image-builder to the workspace cluster), in this headless workspace runs:

  • bob proxy, which gets started by workspacekit in ring1, and receives credentials for pushing images to a docker registry. It proxies and authenticates the image pushes from bob build.

  • bob build as a workspace task, which builds the

    • base layer, if a custom Dockerfile is specified in .gitpod.yaml. If this base image has already been built for the workspace, this step is skipped, and the reference of the previously built image is used instead to build the workspace image next.
    • workspace image, which builds an image from the base layer, where the base layer is either a previously built custom Dockerfile or a public image. These images get pushed over localhost to bob proxy, as bob build does not receive the credentials to push to private registries.

    The built images do not include e.g. supervisor or the IDE, these layers will get added by registry-facade during image pull.

How to try locally

Prerequisite: make sure you have buildkit in the path

cd /tmp
curl -OL
tar xzfv buildkit-v0.10.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz
sudo mv bin/* /usr/bin

Set things up

# install oci-tool for inspecting the built image
go install

# run a local registry
docker run --rm -d -p 5000:5000 registry:latest

# produce a test image
mkdir -p /tmp/f
cd /tmp/f
cat <<EOF > Dockerfile
FROM alpine:latest
ENV foo=bar
docker build -t localhost:5000/source:latest .
docker push localhost:5000/source:latest

Build and run

# build and install bob (do this after every change)
cd /workspace/gitpod/components/image-builder-bob
go install

# run bob
BOB_BASE_REF=localhost:5000/source:latest BOB_TARGET_REF=localhost:5000/target:83 sudo -E $(which bob) build

# debug using delve
BOB_BASE_REF=localhost:5000/source:latest BOB_TARGET_REF=localhost:5000/target:83 sudo -E $(which dlv) --listen=:2345 --headless=true --api-version=2 exec $(which bob) build

Run tests

cd /workspace/gitpod/components/image-builder-bob
go test -v ./...

Required Permssion

If you want it to work in a particular public cloud, you may need to grant some permissions. Below is a reference for this.


If you would like to use ECR as a container registry, please add the following IAM policy below. Also, if you want to use ECR as public, you should add ecr-public too.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"