This example trains a multi-layer RNN (Elman, GRU, or LSTM) on a language modeling task. By default, the training script uses the PTB dataset, provided. The trained model can then be used by the generate script to generate new text.
python -cuda # Train an LSTM on ptb with cuda (cuDNN). Should reach perplexity of 116
python # Generate samples from the trained LSTM model.
The model uses the nn.RNN
module (and its sister modules nn.GRU
and nn.LSTM
) which will automatically use the cuDNN backend if run on CUDA with cuDNN installed.
script accepts the following arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-data DATA Location of the data corpus
-model MODEL Type of recurrent net. RNN_TANH, RNN_RELU, LSTM, or
-emsize EMSIZE Size of word embeddings
-nhid NHID Number of hidden units per layer.
-nlayers NLAYERS Number of layers.
-lr LR Initial learning rate.
-clip CLIP Gradient clipping.
-maxepoch MAXEPOCH Upper epoch limit.
-batchsize BATCHSIZE Batch size.
-bptt BPTT Sequence length.
-seed SEED Random seed.
-cuda Use CUDA.
-reportint REPORTINT Report interval.
-save SAVE Path to save the final model.