RTCMultiConnection.js / WebRTC Library
Changes log for current version: http://www.rtcmulticonnection.org/changes-log/#v2.0
RTCMultiConnection is a WebRTC JavaScript wrapper library runs top over RTCPeerConnection API to provide multi-session establishment scenarios. It also provides dozens of features as hybrid-less mesh networking model, a reliable presence detection and syncing system; complex renegotiation scenarios; and much more. It provides everything you've in your mind! Just understand the API and you'll enjoy using it! It is simple and its syntax is similar as WebSockets JavaScript API and RTCPeerConnection API.
It is MIT Licenced, which means that you can use it in any commercial/non-commercial product, free of cost.
NPM package: https://www.npmjs.org/package/rtcmulticonnection
npm install rtcmulticonnection
To use it:
<script src="./node_modules/rtcmulticonnection/RTCMultiConnection.js"></script>
There are some other NPM packages regarding RTCMultiConnection:
// stable version is v1.9
var MODERATOR_CHANNEL_ID = 'ABCDEF'; // channel-id
var MODERATOR_SESSION_ID = 'XYZ'; // room-id
var MODERATOR_ID = 'JKL'; // user-id
var MODERATOR_SESSION = { // media-type
audio: true,
video: true
var MODERATOR_EXTRA = {}; // empty extra-data
var moderator = new RTCMultiConnection(MODERATOR_CHANNEL_ID);
moderator.session = MODERATOR_SESSION;
moderator.userid = MODERATOR_ID;
moderator.extra = MODERATOR_EXTRA;
dontTransmit: true,
var participants = new RTCMultiConnection(MODERATOR_CHANNEL_ID);
// same code can be used for participants
// (it is optional)
moderator.onstreamid = function(event) {
// got a clue of incoming remote stream
// didn't get remote stream yet
var incoming_stream_id = event.streamid;
// or
// same code can be used for participants
// it is useful
moderator.onstream = function(event) {
// got local or remote stream
// if(event.type == 'local') {}
// if(event.type == 'remote') {}
// or YOUR_VIDEO.src = event.blobURL;
// or YOUR_VIDEO.src = URL.createObjectURL(event.stream);
// same code can be used for participants
// it is useful but optional
moderator.onstreamended = function(event) {
<a href="http://www.rtcmulticonnection.org/docs/getting-started/" target="_blank">
<img src="https://www.rtcmulticonnection.org/img/getting-started.png" style="display:block; width:99px; height99px;" alt="Getting-Started">
Getting Started
<a href="http://www.rtcmulticonnection.org/docs/" target="_blank">
<img src="https://www.rtcmulticonnection.org/img/documentation.png" style="display:block; width:99px; height99px;" alt="Documentation">
<a href="http://www.rtcmulticonnection.org/changes-log/" target="_blank">
<img src="https://www.rtcmulticonnection.org/img/whats-new.png" style="display:block; width:99px; height99px;" alt="Changes Log">
Changes Log
<a href="http://www.rtcmulticonnection.org/FAQ/" target="_blank">
<img src="https://www.rtcmulticonnection.org/img/FAQ.png" style="display:block; width:99px; height99px;" alt="FAQ">
Demos using RTCMultiConnection
Experiment Name | Demo | Source Code |
All-in-One test | Demo | Source |
Renegotiation & Mute/UnMute/Stop | Demo | Source |
Multi-streams attachment | Demo | Source |
Admin/Guest audio/video calling | Demo | Source |
Session-Reinitiation | Demo | Source |
Audio/Video Recording | Demo | Source |
Mute/UnMute | Demo | Source |
Password Protected Rooms | Demo | Source |
WebRTC remote media stream forwarding | Demo | Source |
Video Conferencing | Demo | Source |
Multi-Session Establishment | Demo | Source |
RTCMultiConnection-v1.3 testing demo | Demo | Source |
Video Broadcasting | Demo | Source |
File Sharing + Text Chat | Demo | Source |
Audio Conferencing | Demo | Source |
Join with/without camera | Demo | Source |
Screen Sharing | Demo | Source |
One-to-One file sharing | Demo | Source |
Manual session establishment + extra data transmission + video conferencing | Demo | Source |
Customizing Bandwidth | Demo | Source |
Users ejection and presence detection | Demo | Source |
RTCMultiConnection-v1.3 and socket.io | ---- | Source |
Multi-Broadcasters and Many Viewers | Demo | Source |
Stream Mp3 Live | Demo | Source |
Auto open/join room? Demo
// Copy and use below code in any RTCMultiConnection based demo
// You can even use it with DataChannel.js
// You can even use it with other experiments; simply replace
// "openSignalingChannel" with:
// var config = { openSocket: openSignalingChannel };
// via: https://github.com/muaz-khan/WebRTC-Experiment/tree/master/socketio-over-nodejs#how-to-use
var SIGNALING_SERVER = 'https://webrtc-signaling.nodejitsu.com:443/';
var mainSocket = io.connect(SIGNALING_SERVER);
connection.openSignalingChannel = function(config) {
config.channel = config.channel || this.channel;
mainSocket.emit('new-channel', {
channel: config.channel,
sender : connection.userid
var socket = io.connect(SIGNALING_SERVER + config.channel);
socket.channel = config.channel;
socket.on('connect', function () {
if (config.callback) config.callback(socket);
socket.send = function (message) {
socket.emit('message', {
sender: connection.userid,
data : message
socket.on('message', config.onmessage);
// via https://github.com/muaz-khan/WebRTC-Experiment/tree/master/socketio-over-nodejs#presence-detection
mainSocket.on('presence', function (isChannelPresent) {
console.log('is channel present', isChannelPresent);
if (!isChannelPresent)
connection.open(connection.channel); // open new room
connection.join(connection.channel); // join existing room
mainSocket.emit('presence', connection.channel);
- Personal Webpage: http://www.muazkhan.com
- Email: [email protected]
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/muazkh and https://twitter.com/WebRTCWeb
- Google+: https://plus.google.com/+WebRTC-Experiment
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WebRTC
RTCMultiConnection is released under MIT licence . Copyright (c) Muaz Khan.