The Sorting Hat Quiz is based on The Harry Potter Hogwarts Sorting Hat, tasked with placing first year students into one of the four Hogwarts houses based on their personality and traits. Using this API to retrieve Hogwarts House and Character data, this quiz uses logic to issue consistent results based on user answers. There are four results with unique content and color styling. If the user does not like their result, they can retake the quiz without refreshing the application. This application is appended to the final solo project for Mod 3 at the Turing School of Software and Design. The rough spec and project rubric can be found here.
- Clone down this repository to your local machine with
git clone <your SSH key>
. - Change into the directory with
cd sorting-hat-quiz
. - Run
npm install
to compile the application. - Run
npm start
to see application running on a local host. - Run
npm test
to see all the passing tests. - Run
<your text editor> .
to see the code locally.
Node Package Manager
React Library
React Router
React Testing Library
- Shake up the order of the quiz answers dynamically. Right now all corresponding Gryffindor answers for each question are answer 1, and all Ravenclaw answers for each question are answer 4, etc.
- Add a question and logic that gives the user the ability to choose one house they DON'T to be sorted into.
- Weight the logic so that some answers are more important than others.
- JP Carey: Application Creator/Owner
- Nicole Gooden: API Creator/Owner
- Will Mitchell: Project Manager
- Leta Keane: Proect Manager