Build react-native and web app with dva and antd-mobile.
English | 中文文档
├── App.js # native entry
├── index.css # web global style
├── index.ejs # web html entry
├── index.js # web js entry
├── router.js # web router
├── assets # assets
│ └── yay.jpg
├── components # common components
│ ├── Counter.js
│ ├── DrawerLeft.js
│ ├── Header.js
│ ├── Text.js
│ ├── Text.native.js # native uses the .native.js suffix
│ ├── TodoList.js
│ ├── Touch.js
│ └── Touch.native.js
├── models # dva models
│ ├── counter.js
│ ├── index.js
│ └── todo.js
├── pages # native pages
│ └── IndexPage.js
├── routes # web pages
│ ├── IndexPage.js
│ └── IndexPage.less
├── services # api services
│ └── example.js
└── utils # useful utils
├── dva.js
├── rcform.js
└── request.js
npm run start # start react native packager
npm run android # run android debug apk into devices
npm run apk # release android app on mac or linux
npm run apk-w # release android app on windows
npm run web # start web app
npm run build # build web app
npm run lint # lint the code
function platform() {
if (!window.platform)
return 'web';
else return window.platform; // ios|android