Please put the whole script(smartlog-script) in the top level of source code direction!
Compile the source code AND generate compile_commands.json file: $bear make or for a cmake project, use: $cmake /path/to/source/tree -CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=on
Then, do: $cd smartlog-script
Before running, you should make sure two paths and change it in $LLVMLIB=$HOME/llvm-3.4/Release+Asserts/lib $CLANGTOOL=$HOME/llvm-3.4/Release+Asserts/bin
first, you shold do: $chmod 777 ./ ./
you can get the help by: $./ -h
run quickly by: $./ -all 2> logfile
patch the additional logs by: $./ -patch
recover the patched logs by: $./ -recover
if you want to add logging functions manually, please write them into