The SampleCache is a set of sample codes for getting started with CBEffects.
These samples are for those who want a bit less to start out with - the sample app can be a bit overwhelming at first glance. These samples will be updated and added to as time goes on.
List of Samples:
BeginnerSamples - Simple for beginners BasicVent - How to create and start a Vent DoubleVent - Including more than one vent in a VentGroup LoadPreset - Loading a preset HelloWorld - Using build functions HelloWorldRandomized - Using build functions Ring - Use of posRadius and posInner TouchPoint - Adding basic interactivity to a Vent
Fields - Using Fields and FieldGroups BasicField - Linking up a Field with a Vent RepelField - Basic interactivity and Field presets AttractField - Basic interactivity and Field presets MultiField - Including more than one field in a FieldGroup
Physics - Adding physics behavior to VentGroups Angles - Using angle parameters Box2D - Adding Box2D physics to particles Gravity - Using the effect of gravity on particles
That's it for now, but I'll be adding new ones as time goes on.
Caleb | Gymbyl Coding |