Open source minimal stack for the ch32 line of WCH processors, including the ch32v003, a 10¢ 48 MHz RISC-V Microcontroller - as well as many other chips within the ch32v/x line.
STM32 library for working with OLEDs based on SSD1306, SH1106, SH1107 and SSD1309, supports I2C and SPI
Панель управления для ESP8266, ESP32 и других Arduino. Конструктор интерфейса. Интеграция в умный дом. Esp8266, esp32 and Arduino Dashboard library
CH32V203 is an industrial-grade enhanced low-power,small-medium capacity general-purpose MCU based on 32-bit RISC-V core
Portable Digital Stereo FM Radio Transmitter
Simple library for writing to TM1637 4-digit 7-segment displays from STM32 MCUs
A minimal ST7735 LCD driver for CH32V003
Fast lcd driver for ILI9341 using WCH chip CH32V003 with SPI(at 24Mhz) - DMA.
Разбираемся с RISC-V на примере CH32V203C8T6
STM32F1 ST7735 fast library with DMA and LL drivers. Mikroe GLCD custom fonts support.
Шаблон для создания С-ишных проектов для микроконтроллеров CH32V003.
usage of u8g2 graphics library with RISC-V MCU – CH32V307 (I2C OLED)
Basic library for DS1307 chip (aka Tiny RTC i2c modules) comptatible with STM32 HAL.
STM32 LCD drivers (currently: spi(dma), gpio, fsmc(dma), st7735, st7783, ili9325, ili9328, ili9341, ili9486, ili9488, hx8347g)
Проекты разработанные для исследования работы микроконтроллера CH32V307 с периферийными устройствами.