This repository contains final project for Full Stack Web Development with Flask
course from website.
Link to the working site is here.
Setup and activate your local python environment. Here are few guides on how to do it.
Install requirements:
pip install requirements.txt
file:cp app/.env.template app/.env
Setup PostgreSQL. You have few options:
4.1. you can use any already existing PostgreSQL (in docker, in any cloud provider, etc):
- create new database;
- update
4.2. you can setup PostgreSQL locally:
- for example, you can use this guide or any other guide;
- after setting up PostgreSQL locally create new database:
psql postgres -c 'create database save_favourite_color;'
Apply migrations to your database:
flask db upgrade
Run application:
flask run
Go to in your web browser.
To run tests use following command:
python -m pytest
Note: tests will be run using DATABASE_URL
, so if you don't want to lose your data, you may create new database and update DATABASE_URL
If you want to check code coverage use following command:
python -m pytest --cov=app
Right now the site offers following features:
- Register new users.
- Login into user's account.
- Logout from user's account.
- For unknown urls show 404 page.
- Admin accounts:
- Admins can add new colors to database from appropriate separate page.
- Admins can see a list of all users with their info on appropriate separate page.
- Admins can deactivate users from appropriate separate page.
- Share link to user's favourite color.
Below is a list of what needs to be done:
- Migrate from SQLite to PostgreSQL
- Let users edit their favourite color.
- Cover project with tests.
- Run tests on github.
- Use
for passwords instead of plain text. - Add admin accounts:
- Add
field tousers
tableor create completely different table for admins. - Admin homepage should look like the one for regular user.
- Allow admin to add colors to
table (add link to appropriate page to the upper right corner). - Allow admin to see a list of all users with their info (add link to appropriate page to the upper right corner).
- Allow admin to deactivate users (add link to appropriate page to the upper right corner).
- Add
- Let users share link to their favourite color. The page should include content from the one for logged-in user, but:
- text should be the following - "{color} is the favourite color of {username}.";
- block with color filling should remain;
- header should look like the one for not logged-in user.