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Ev::Io is a framework for greenthreads.

A greenthread is like a thread, except it is handled by the application and not the operating system, and thus all greenthreads will share the same single CPU resource. That is, as far as the OS is concerned the application is single- threaded.

The interface of Ev::Io is similar to the Javascript Promise type. An Ev::Io<int> is, like a Javascript Promise, not an actual int, but instead some incomplete computation that will eventually yield an int. You can then extend the pending Ev::Io by using the then member function, passing in a function of your own, which will (eventually) get called with the result. The function you pass in to then should then return another Ev::Io (whose type parameter can be different), and the result of then will have the same type.

Ev::Io<std::string> stringify(Ev::Io<int> io_int) {
	return std::move(io_int).then([](int x) {
		auto os = std::ostringstream();
		os << x;
		auto str = os.str();
		return Ev::lift(std::move(str));

The function Ev::lift is similar to the Javascript Promise.resolve and "lifts" a non-Ev::Io value into one that is trivially wrapped in an Ev::Io, i.e.

template<typename a>
Ev::Io<a> Ev::lift(a);

The name Io is from Haskell IO type. Javascript Promises are ultimately monads, and Haskell IO is one of the first monads labelled as such ever encountered by most programmers. Ev::lift is equivalent to Haskell return. And the Ev::Io<a>::then member function is equivalent to Haskell >>=.

Generally, when using Ev::Io, the expectation is that most of your computation is performed from "within" the Ev::Io framework.

The namespace name Ev is from the use of libev, although in principle any event-based framework can be used.


An Ev::Io<a> for any type a can be understood primarily as "an action that will return the type a".

There is also an Ev::Io<void> specialization. This is for an action that is performed within the Ev::Io framework, but which does not in fact need a return value.

The Ev::lift function has an overload without any arguments, which yields an Ev::Io<void>.

It is also possible to + any number of Ev::Io<void> together to create another Ev::Io<void>. This results in an Ev::Io<void> action that is "the left-hand side action executed to completion, followed by the right-hand side action executed to completion".

As mentioned above, an action Ev::Io<a> for all types a has a member function then which constructs a new action. Thie then function is passed a function, which should accept the type a and returns Ev::Io<b> for any type b.

An action Ev::Io<a> for all types a also has a member function catching. This is a templated function which is parametrized with a specific exception type. The catching function is passed a function, which should accept by const& the exception type and return the same type Ev::Io<a>. If the action would throw the parametrized exception type, then the resulting action from catching is the same action, but with the exception passed to the given function and the result of that function as the action performed.

If a function passed into then or catching would throw an exception before returning its Ev::Io result, then the resulting action would throw an exception "inside" the Ev::Io framework, which can be caught using a catching function call.

Return Value Optimization

In general, you should avoid something like this in C++:

std::string cat(std::string a, std::string b) {
	auto res = std::move(a) + std::move(b);
	return std::move(res); /* DISABLES RVO!!!  Not do this!!  */

RVO gets disabled in the above code since the returned value is from a temporary. RVO only triggers if all returns in a function in all paths will return the same local variable in the function. The wrapping std::move prevents this optimization.

However, within Ev::Io, you should use std::move to return a local variable.

Ev::Io<std::string> cat(std::string a, std::string b) {
	auto res = std::move(a) + std::move(b);
	return Ev::lift(std::move(res));

RVO cannot work here anyway since you always have to use Ev::lift to return a wrapping Ev::Io around the value. At least with std::move you can ensure that the same underlying memory area for a container can be simply transferred from the local variable to the temporary object that Ev::lift creates to hold the return value.

Running Inside Ev::Io

It is actually better practice to always use Ev::lift() in order to defer operations until the action is actually performed:

Ev::Io<std::string> cat(std::string a, std::string b) {
	return Ev::lift().then([a, b]() {
		auto res = a + b;
		return Ev::lift(std::move(res));

This is significant if the code being run modifies any mutable variables, such as those on the object that the function is being called on. Without the above wrapping, the updates to the mutable variables are performed immediately, whereas with the above wrapping, any writes to the mutable variables will be deferred to when the action is actually executed. This is significant if e.g. you intend the action to be performed in a different greenthread.

As good practice you should probably always wrap around with the simple Ev::lift().then([vars ...]() { ... }).

In the above example, the input strings a and b may be very large, and the copying may be costly. You could use std::shared_ptr to move objects and share the same object to the inside of the wrapper:

Ev::Io<std::string> cat(std::string a_, std::string b_) {
	auto a = std::make_shared<std::string>(std::move(a_));
	auto b = std::make_shared<std::string>(std::move(b_));

	return Ev::lift().then([a, b]() {
		auto res = std::move(*a) + std::move(*b);
		return Ev::lift(std::move(res));

Tail Calls

Tail calls of Ev::Io get optimized even if the compiler itself does not perform tail call optimization. The only caveat here is that you need to call into Ev::yield at some point in a tail-recursive loop, otherwise the C stack will fill with stack frames; the Ev::yield resets the C stack. See tests/ev/test_io_mem_leak.cpp.

For example, if you are going to use the previous recommendation to always wrap your code inside Ev::lift().then(...), you can "just" replace the Ev::lift() with Ev::yield() for functions that require tail calls.

This is magically done by the operation of Ev::Io; code that would receive the result of an Ev::Io action do not require any C stack space to store variables, instead they are objects allocated in heap space, and which the Ev::Io framework controls. The framework provides tail-call optimization "for free".

If you need to loop around an operation that returns an Ev::Io action, then that is most naturally done using tail-recursion. Just make sure to use Ev::yield, most naturally at the start of any recursive function.

Single-Threaded Concurrency

The greenthreads provided by Ev::Io allows for concurrency without launching multiple OS-level threads. Greenthreads are fairly cheap (require no syscall, has fewer "gotcha" semantics for file descriptors and fork and exec, etc.).

You can use the Ev::concurrent function to launch a new greenthread. This returns an action which creates the new greenthread and schedules it to be launched when the main thread is idle and has no other actions to do.

Actions you pass into Ev::concurrent should really be wrapped in an Ev::lift().then(...), to ensure that the code only gets executed when the greenthread actually starts.

Now, obviously when you have multiple concurrent greenthreads of execution, then you need some way to somehow "lock" resources.

A thing to note is that within a single then function, other concurrent greenthreads are not executing. This means that all operations within a single function that you are passing into a then call are atomic. You can then trivially use this to implement locks.

The below is a lousy spinlock (do not use it, it causes 100% CPU due to spinlocking):

class Lock {
	bool flag;

	Lock() : flag(false) { }

	Ev::Io<void> acquire() {
		return Ev::lift().then([this]() {
			/* Flag is set, spin.  */
			if (flag)
				/* Let other greenthreads run,
				 * then try again.
				return Ev::yield()
				     + acquire()
			flag = true;
			return Ev::lift();
	Ev::Io<void> release() {
		return Ev::lift().then([this]() {
			flag = false;
			return Ev::lift();

No additional locking is needed, as within a then, all code is atomic relative to other greenthreads.

In fact, strictly speaking, you can (probably) list down the operations that could allow other greenthreads to execute. Ev::yield(), for example, definitely allows other greenthreads to execute. Some blocking operations are likely to be implemented in such a way as to allow other greeenthreads to be run as well. If you do not use such operations, then your code will still run atomically.

For example, since Ev::lift does not let other greenthreads run:

	Ev::Io<void> acquire() {
		return Ev::lift().then([this]() {
			return Ev::lift(flag);
		}).then([this](bool flag_read) {
			/* Flag is set, spin.  */
			if (flag_read)
				/* Let other greenthreads run,
				 * then try again.
				return Ev::yield()
				     + acquire()
			/* No TOCTOU race here!  */
			flag = true;
			return Ev::lift();

Still, as a rule, if you ensure that you never end a particular then, you can assume that no other greenthreads will be running. If you have to end a then, then it is safest to assume that other greenthreads may or may not run during the break.


We also have an existing semaphore implementation, which you can use for locks. A semaphore allows up to N greenthreads to run simultaneously within the semaphore, with the number N selected at construction of the semaphore. The semaphore can be used as a mutex by configuring it with N=1.

The interface does not have explicit "increment" or "decrement" interfaces like typical semaphores. Instead, you hand over any action Ev::Io<a> where a is any type to its run member function, and get back an action of the same type. The semaphore will then ensure that only up to N such actions will run simultaneously even across Ev::concurrent.

The semaphore is designed so that any extra greenthreads that are blocked on the semaphore will not consume CPU.


Some POSIX interfaces are really atrocious.

For example, gethostbyname blocks the calling thread on a network interface, without exposing a file descriptor you can wait on or anything useful like that so you can handle other network things in the meantime. You should avoid similar interfaces in Ev::Io code, because it will block all greenthreads.

However, sometimes you do need to actually use such interfaces. Typically, most frameworks that need to wrap such atrocious blocking interfaces work by executing in a background thread. Ev::Io provides the Ev::ThreadPool object, a generalization of this technique.

Construct a single Ev::ThreadPool for your entire program, and pass in a reference to it to all parts of your program that need to run lengthy blocking functions. Then you can just use the background member function to run a function in the background.

Ev::Io<struct hostent*> io_gethostbyname( Ev::ThreadPool& tp
					, std::string const& name
					) {
	return tp.background<struct hostent*>([name]() {
		return gethostbyname(name);

The above returns a "normal" Ev::Io action. As long as the core gethostbyname is blocked in one of the background threads, the main OS thread will keep running and other greenthreads have an opportunity to execute on the main OS thread. If no other greenthreads are pending, no CPU will be consumed by the main OS thread, only the background thread running the task.

Notice that the function you pass to background returns a "plain" C++ object, not one wrapped in Ev::Io<a>.

Ev::ThreadPool is not intended for compute-heavy tasks; in particular, it launches a fixed number of threads without checking how many processors are actually available, or considering the CPU load of the entire system. It is really intended only to make blocking interfaces safely non-blocking on the main OS thread to allow the greenthread system to work correctly.


It is easy to move from normal C++-space to Ev::Io-space. Ev::lift promotes anything from plain movable C++ object to an Ev::Io action. Similarly, thrown exceptions from within a then or catching are also automatically lifted to exceptions within Ev::Io.

So if we have an action that represents our entire program, how do we actually run the action in order to run our entire program?

This is done by the Ev::start function. This accepts an Ev::Io<int> and returns an int.

This is how it is intended to be used:


Ev::Io<int> real_main(int argc, char** argv);

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
	return Ev::start(real_main(argc, argv));

real_main should be the entire program as a single action.

An alternate way is to call the run member function on Ev::Io, but this is discouraged. Ev::start properly initializes libev, which is needed in order for Ev::concurrent, Ev::yield, and others to work properly. This member function really only exists for testing, and for implementing Ev::start itself.


Internally, an Ev::Io<a> is really just a function that accepts two functions, a pass continuation and a fail continuation. That is, Ev::Io is just continuation-passing style.

An Ev::Io<a> is really just:

std::function< void( std::function<void(a)> // pass
		   , std::function<void(std::exception_ptr)> // fail
	     > func;

Indeed, the formal public constructor for Ev::Io<a> accepts the above type as the sole argument (note that Javascript Promise is the same as well). The then and catching member functions just wrap the function further.

This works well with any event-based system (meaning we could use something other thhan libev as a backend). To implement a blocking operation, you instead construct an Ev::Io<a> that is given a function of the above type. That function should save the pass and fail functions in a heap-allocated object, then register that object into the event system to wait for the event.

Then, when the event triggers, the object recovers the pass and fail functions, release any resource held by the object, then calls the appropriate continuation based on the event. See Ev/yield.cpp For example: this simple example registers an "idle" event for when the main loop is idle, then resumes computation from there.

This is the source of some of the magic.

For example, tail call optimization is very natural with a continuation-passing style. When an Ev::Io-returning function calls itself, the call actually just creates an action (that performs the code wrapped inside the Ev::Io) and returns immediately without recursing.

Inside the action, when the action calls the same function again, the resulting action is passed the same pass and fail continuations, without requiring any additional memory allocations to create wrappers for those continuations. This implies that no additional memory is needed for tail calls, which is all that is needed for tail call optimization.