- Chennai
- https://riyaz-dev-portfolio.netlify.app/
- @riyaz_kazmi
- in/mdriyazansari
material-ui-web Public
Multi page project which is an informative website focused on building responsive layout to fit in any devices.
instagram-clone Public
I built this instagram-clone with the help of a tutorial by Rafeh Qazi and Sonny Sangha at youtube.com/c/cleverprogrammer
facebook-clone Public
I built this facebook-clone react app using a tutorial made by Rafeh Qazi, Sonny Sangha, and Nazariy Dumanskyy at YouTube.com/c/CleverProgrammer.
amazon-clone Public
Amazon Clone
github-user-search Public
Github-Search-User-App is s Single page web-app which find the Github user's complete details about their repositories and profile. This App is developed using Reactjs, Styled components, Auth0,Git…
Alan-News-App Public
Alan-News is a voice-based AI React Application which provides news from different channels based on your command (voice). This app also provides small talk with Alan which is so smart. it will giv…
Redux-Example Public
Online React Editor and IDE: compile, run, and host React apps
JavaScript UpdatedAug 19, 2020 -
Slack-Clone-App Public
Online React Editor and IDE: compile, run, and host React apps
Movie_Finder Public
Movie_Finder is a React SPA which gives movie details and you can search your favourite movie by your self and find the all movie related info. Tools used in this Application are IMDB API, Styles-C…
Renter-Room-Project Public
Created by @TheDrone7 | A template for the landing page of your e-commerce site using Bootstrap, a popular HTML/CSS/JS library.
HTML UpdatedJun 17, 2020 -
Grandma-s-sweets-website Public
This project is build using html, css , bootstrap-3 and javascript.
HTML UpdatedJun 15, 2020 -
BootstarpBasicProjects Public
Created by @TheDrone7 | A template for the landing page of your e-commerce site using Bootstrap, a popular HTML/CSS/JS library.
HTML UpdatedJun 12, 2020 -