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Matlab codes for evaluation on MegaFace


  1. MatMTCNN. If you are not using Windows, you need to modify some of the codes to directly use the Matlab version of MTCNN. If you have done such a work, I'm glad to merge your codes.

  2. Megaface. Please download Our dataset, FaceScrub full tgz, FaceScrub bounding boxes actors txt, FaceScrub bounding boxes actresses txt, Linux Development Kit.


  1. Align Facescrub: align_facescrub.m. Then mannully confirm some failed samples through align_facescrub_failures.m.

  2. Align Megaface: align_megaface_from_list.m. Then align failed samples through align_megaface_failures.m.

  3. Extract Features using extract_facescrub_feature.m, extract_megaface_feature.m.

Alignment Logic:

The provided 3-point labels are the most accurate. The second accurate information is the bounding box. All 5-point labels are totally wrong. So our logic is as follows.

  1. align_megaface_from_list.m: If there is 3-point label, rotate and crop the image according to it. Then detect and align face from the cropped image.
  2. align_megaface_failures.m: If there is no 3-point label or failed to detect from the cropped image, detect face from the raw image.

        If the detected face and the given bounding box's IoU is over 30%, align this face.

        If the IoU is below 30%, use the last two networks of MTCNN to forcely get the face score and 5 keypoints from the cropped image based on the given bounding box.

        If the face score is above 0.3, use the detected 5 points to align the face.

        If all methods are failed, directly crop the middle area of a face as the aligned face.