This repository contains a Python code that demonstrates a simple data science approach to predicting students' final grades based on various attributes. The code utilizes popular data science libraries such as pandas, numpy, scikit-learn, and matplotlib.
The code uses the student_mat.csv
dataset, which contains information about students' academic performance and other relevant attributes. The dataset includes the following columns:
- G1: First period grade (numeric: from 0 to 20)
- G2: Second period grade (numeric: from 0 to 20)
- G3: Final grade (numeric: from 0 to 20, output target)
- studytime: Weekly study time (numeric: 1 = <2 hours, 2 = 2 to 5 hours, 3 = 5 to 10 hours, 4 = >10 hours)
- absences: Number of school absences (numeric)
- failures: Number of past class failures (numeric)
- schoolsup: Extra educational support (categorical: "yes" or "no")
- famsup: Family educational support (categorical: "yes" or "no")
The code follows the following steps:
Importing the necessary libraries:
- pandas is used for data manipulation and analysis.
- numpy provides support for numerical operations.
- scikit-learn offers machine learning algorithms and model evaluation tools.
- matplotlib is utilized for data visualization.
Importing and preprocessing the dataset:
- The dataset is loaded into a pandas DataFrame, specifying the separator as ";".
- Only relevant attributes (columns) are selected for analysis.
- Categorical attributes (schoolsup and famsup) are encoded into binary values for further processing.
Data cleaning and preparation:
- Null entries are checked for and displayed.
- Column names are cleaned and renamed for clarity and consistency.
Model training and evaluation:
- The dataset is split into training and testing sets using scikit-learn's train_test_split function.
- A linear regression model is instantiated and trained using the training data.
- The accuracy of the model is calculated using the testing data.
- The best-performing model i.e the model with the highest accuracy is saved using pickle serialization.
Model analysis and predictions:
- The saved model is loaded from the pickle file.
- Model coefficients (weights) and intercept are displayed.
- The model is used to predict the final grades for the testing data.
- Predicted grades, corresponding features, and actual labels are printed for analysis.
Data visualization:
The linearity assumption is not met by some variables so linear regression may not be the best model for this data.
To run the code and reproduce the results:
- Ensure that you have Python installed on your machine.
- Install the required libraries by running the following command:
pip install pandas numpy scikit-learn matplotlib
- Download the dataset file
and place it in the same directory as the code file. - Execute the code using a Python interpreter.
- Review the output for model performance, predictions, and data visualization.