Bowtie is a smartphone sensory data collector implemented in Go. To collect sensory data, the smartphone is required to visit a HTML5 web page served by Bowtie. Bowtie is capable of capturing:
- Accelerometer
- Gyroscope
- Temperature
- Camera
- Microphone
- And more...
Our initial use case is to use Bowtie for robotics purposes. We realize there is a large investment in terms of time and cost associated in developing the electronics for robots, therefore we are attempting mitigate those barriers by using what is already widely available, smartphones.
In particular a robot can utilize the phone's wide array of sensors without having to resort to specialized sensors that are difficult to be reused for other robots. Additionally given a swarm of robots using Bowtie, robots can communicate and act as a collective based on data of each other.
Crowd sourcing from multiple smartphones can be combined to build a spatiotemporal view of the phenomenon of interest and also to extract important community statistics. Given the ubiquity of mobile phones and the high density of people in metropolitan areas, participatory sensing can achieve an unprecedented level of coverage in both space and time for observing events of interest in urban spaces.
Bowtie implements a client-server model. To make deployment simple, the client (smartphone) is not required to install anything, the only requirement is for the smartphone to use a HTML5 compliant web browser to visit the web page Bowtie is currently serving.

- GO language
cd bowtie/server/
go run bowtie_server.go -addr=<HOST ADDRESS> -port=<PORT USED>