- You are using
only supports these bbl
is installed- You have set the required environment variables for your IaaS environment as documented in
bbl up --help
and also the README of bosh-bootloader - You have both
repos handy
allows you to modify
the IaaS resources it creates
and the ops files it uses
by passing it a plan-patch.
To deploy BOSH lite to GCP
you will need the bosh-lite-gcp
plan patch.
More information about plan-patches
can be found in the BOSH Bootloader repository.
You will need to run bbl plan
before you modify it with the plan patch.
git clone
the bosh-bootloader repository
to a local directory
and then run the following commands.
mkdir -p my-env/bbl-state && cd my-env/bbl-state
bbl plan --name my-env
cp -r /path/to/patch-dir/. .
bbl up
The path to the plan patch should be something like
To make sure your system and app domains resolve, you will need to set up DNS to point at your BOSH Director. For this, you will need to
- Find the value of
by runningbbl outputs
- Create a wildcard
and point it at the external IP of the BOSH director from step 1
There a several ways to target a bosh director. This doc will use environment variables.
eval "$(bbl print-env)"
requires that you have uploaded a runtime-config for BOSH DNS.
We recommended that you use the one provided by the bosh-deployment repo:
bosh update-runtime-config bosh-deployment/runtime-configs/dns.yml --name dns
With your bosh director targeted:
STEMCELL_VERSION=$(bosh interpolate cf-deployment/cf-deployment.yml --path /stemcells/alias=default/version)
bosh \
upload-stemcell \
With your bosh director targeted:
bosh \
-d cf \
deploy \
cf-deployment/cf-deployment.yml \
-o cf-deployment/operations/bosh-lite.yml \
-v system_domain=<SYSTEM_DOMAIN>