All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- copy: support legacy copy to clipboard for older browser (#581) (6f93cba)
- new tool: string obfuscator (#575) (c58d6e3)
- deps: update dependency sql-formatter to v12 (#520) (2bcb77a)
- deps: switched to fucking typescript v5 (#501) (76b2761)
- deps: update dependency @antfu/eslint-config to ^0.40.0 (#552) (6ff9a01)
- deps: update dependency prettier to v3 (#564) (a2b9b15)
- deps: removed @typescript-eslint/parser (#563) (144f86e)
- deps: removed ts-pattern (#565) (0f1f659)
- Case Converter: Add lowercase and uppercase (#534) (7b6232a)
- new tool: emoji picker (#551) (93f7cf0)
- ui: added c-select in the ui lib (#550) (dfa1ba8)
- new-tool: password strength analyzer (#502) (a9c7b89)
- new-tool: yaml to toml (e29b258)
- new-tool: json to toml (ea50a3f)
- new-tool: toml to yaml (746e5bd)
- new-tool: toml to json (c7d4f11)
- command-palette: random tool action (ec4c533)
- config: allow app to run in a subfolder via BASE_URL (#461) (6304595)
- new-tool: percentage calculator (#456) (b9406a4)
- new-tool: json to csv converter (69f0bd0)
- new tool: xml formatter (#457) (a6bbeae)
- chmod-calculator: added symbolic representation (#455) (f771e7a)
- enhancement: use system dark mode (#458) (cf7b1f0)
- phone-parser: searchable country code select (d2956b6)
- new tool: camera screenshot and recorder (34d8e5c)
- base64-string-converter: switch to encode and decode url safe base64 strings (#392) (0b20f1c)
- deps: update dependency uuid to v9 (#566) (5e12991)
- deps: update dependency mathjs to v11 (#519) (7924456)
- deps: update dependency @vueuse/router to v10 (#516) (ea0f27c)
- copy: prevent shorthand copy if source is present in useCopy (#559) (86e964a)
- c-lib: hide component library shortcut link in non-dev (#557) (56d74d0)
- emoji picker: fix copy button (#556) (e5d0ba7)
- deps: update dependency @vueuse/head to v1 (#515) (d12dd40)
- deps: update dependency country-code-lookup to ^0.1.0 (#493) (8c72e69)
- deps: update dependency @vueuse/head to ^0.9.0 (#492) (cec9dea)
- i18n: fallback for demo i18n (12d9e5d)
- typos: fixed more typos & uppercase JSON (#475) (9526ed8)
- about: typos and wording (#474) (7068610)
- mime-types: typos (#470) (c4cec9e)
- sonar: took down minor sonar warning (4cbd7ac)
- readme: typo (105b21b)
- ipv4-range-expander: calculate correct for ip addresses where the first octet is lower than 128 (#405) (8c92d56)
- ipv4-converter: removed readonly on input (7aed9c5)
- navbar: consistent spacing in navbar buttons (#507) (30f88fc)
- ui: remove n-text (#506) (72c98a3)
- ui: replaced some n-input to c-input (#505) (05ea545)
- json-viewer: input monospace font (#485) (9125dcf)
- search: command palette design (#463) (bcb98b3)
- c-input-text: force usage of props with default (1e2a35b)
- naming: prevent auto import conflicts for git memo (45c2474)
- imports: removed unnecessary imports to vue (fe61f0f)
- ui: removed all n-space (4d2b037)
- ui: replaced some n-input with c-input-text (f7fc779)
- deps: update dependency vitest to ^0.34.0 (#562) (9bd4ad4)
- deps: update dependency node to v18.17.1 (#560) (65a9474)
- deps: update dependency unocss to ^0.55.0 (#561) (85cc7a8)
- deps: update dependency @unocss/eslint-config to ^0.55.0 (#553) (4268e25)
- deps: update dependency @intlify/unplugin-vue-i18n to ^0.12.0 (#526) (d1c8880)
- deps: update docker/login-action action to v2 (#512) (99bc84c)
- deps: update dependency jsdom to v22 (#499) (cd5a503)
- deps: update dependency @vitejs/plugin-vue-jsx to v3 (#497) (1a60236)
- deps: update dependency @vitejs/plugin-vue to v4 (#496) (a249421)
- deps: update dependency vite-plugin-pwa to ^0.16.0 (#488) (6498c9b)
- deps: update dependency vite to v4 (#503) (f40d7ec)
- ci: e2e against vercel deployement (#518) (2e28c50)
- e2e: execute e2e against built app (#511) (cf382b5)
- deps: update github/codeql-action action to v2 (#513) (0152583)
- deps: update node.js to v18 (#514) (38cb61d)
- deps: switched from vite-plugin-md to vite-plugin-vue-markdown (#510) (354aed6)
- deps: update dependency workbox-window to v7 (#509) (6b8682f)
- deps: update dependency vite-svg-loader to v4 (#508) (9e8349d)
- deps: update dependency typescript to ~4.9.0 (#481) (f440507)
- deps: update dependency vue-tsc to ^0.40.0 (#490) (b0d9a3e)
- deps: updated unplugin-auto-import (#504) (5c3bebf)
- deps: removed start-server-and-test dependency (8df7cd0)
- deps: update dependency c8 to v8 (#498) (6bda2ca)
- deps: update dependency @types/jsdom to v21 (#495) (994a1c3)
- deps: update node.js to v16.20.1 (#491) (05edaf4)
- deps: update dependency vitest to ^0.32.0 (#489) (49eacea)
- deps: update actions/checkout action to v3 (#494) (3f7d469)
- deps: update dependency unplugin-vue-components to ^0.25.0 (#484) (5f21908)
- deps: update dependency unplugin-auto-import to ^0.16.0 (#483) (6cb0845)
- deps: update dependency unocss to ^0.53.0 (#482) (38710dc)
- deps: update dependency @unocss/eslint-config to ^0.53.0 (#478) (282cfc4)
- deps: added renovate.json (#477) (363c2e4)
- i18n: tool scoped locales (#471) (1b038c7)
- wysiwyg-editor: update tiptap dependencies (732da08)
- i18n: setup i18n plugin config (ebfb872)
- config: netlify deployment support (#443) (93799af)
- ci: shard e2e tests (962a6d6)
- lint: switched to a better lint config (33c9b66)
- transformers: use monospace font for JSON and SQL text areas (#476) (ba4876d)
- ide: updated vscode extensions settings (#472) (847323c)
- deps: updated vueuse dependency version (8515c24)
- list-converter: a small converter who deals with column based data and do some stuff with it (#387) (83a7b3b)
- new tool: phone parser and normalizer (ce3150c)
- phone-parser: use default country code (a43c546)
- home: prevent weird blue border on card (3f6c8f0)
- ui: replaced some n-input with c-input-text (77f2efc)
- issues: updated new tool request issue template (edae4c6)
- new-component: added text input component in the c-lib (aad8d84)
- button: size variants (401f13f)
- ui-lib: demo pages for c-lib components (92bd835)
- new-tool: diff of two json objects (362f2fa)
- ipv4-range-expander: expands a given IPv4 start and end address to a valid IPv4 subnet (#366) (df989e2)
- date converter: auto focus main input (6d22025)
- ts: cleaned legacy typechecking warning (e88c1d5)
- mac-address-lookup: added copy handler on button click (c311e38)
- ui-lib: prevent c-button to shrink (61ece23)
- ui: replaced naive ui cards with custom ones (f080933)
- clean: removed unused lodash import (bb32513)
- clean: removed useless br tags (74073f5)
- ui: getting ride of naive ui buttons (c45bce3)
- new-tool: http status codes (8355bd2)
- uuid-generator: prevent NaN in quantity (6fb4994)
- release: create a github release on new version (dbad773)
- version: reset CHANGELOG content to support new format (85cb0ff)
- new-tool: http status codes (8355bd2)
- uuid-generator: prevent NaN in quantity (6fb4994)
- release: create a github release on new version (f9b77b7)
- version: reset CHANGELOG content to support new format (85cb0ff)
- new-tool: http status codes (8355bd2)
- uuid-generator: prevent NaN in quantity (6fb4994)
- release: create a github release on new version (2f0d239)
- version: reset CHANGELOG content to support new format (85cb0ff)
- new-tool: http status codes (8355bd2)
- uuid-generator: prevent NaN in quantity (6fb4994)
- release: create a github release on new version (474cae4)
- version: reset CHANGELOG content to support new format (85cb0ff)
Diff not available