A Mezzanine project template that demonstrates how to deploy Django projects to several PaaS providers
First clone the code repository:
$ git clone git://github.com/appsembler/paasbakeoff.git
See the different PaaS providers that you can deploy to by looking at the branches:
$ git branch
* dotcloud
Then checkout the branch for the PaaS provider that you want to deploy to:
Download the Stackato client and create an account on their sandbox.
$ cd paasbakeoff
$ git checkout stackato
$ stackato push
See this blog post for more details about deploying Mezzanine to Stackato.
Download the OpenShift 'rhc' client and create an account on OpenShift.
$ rhc create -a mymezzanine -t python-2.6
$ rhc app cartridge add -c mysql-5.1 -a mymezzanine
$ cd mezzanine
$ git remote add paasbakeoff git://github.com/appsembler/paasbakeoff.git
$ git fetch paasbakeoff
$ git merge paasbakeoff/openshift
$ git push
See this blog post for more details about deploying Mezzanine to OpenShift.
Pip install the dotcloud client and create an account on Dotcloud
$ cd paasbakeoff
$ git checkout dotcloud
$ dotcloud create mymezzanine
$ dotcloud push
If you would like to contribute another PaaS (Gondor, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Google App Engine, etc), please fork the project and submit a pull request. Thanks!