Mobile Security Framework (MobSF) is an intelligent, all-in-one open source mobile application (Android/iOS) automated pen-testing framework capable of performing static and dynamic analysis. It can be used for effective and fast security analysis of Android and iOS Applications and supports both binaries (APK & IPA) and zipped source code. MobSF can also perform Web API Security testing with it's API Fuzzer that can do Information Gathering, analyze Security Headers, identify Mobile API specific vulnerabilities like XXE, SSRF, Path Traversal, IDOR, and other logical issues related to Session and API Rate Limiting.
- Automated Mobile Application Security Assessment with MobSF:
- Features Requests: @ajinabraham or @OpenSecurity_IN.
- Open Bugs Here:
- Please add the log files
while opening bugs.
###Static Analysis - Android APK
###Static Analysis - iOS IPA
###Dynamic Analysis - Android APK
###Web API Fuzzer
See Changelog here :
- Bharadwaj Machiraju (@tunnelshade_) - For writing pyWebProxy from scratch
- MindMac - For writing Android Blue Pill
- Thomas Abraham - For JS Hacks on UI.
- Anto Joseph (@antojosep007) - For the help with SuperSU.
- Tim Brown (@timb_machine) - For the iOS Binary Analysis Ruleset.
- Abhinav Sejpal (@Abhinav_Sejpal) - For poking me with bugs and feature requests.
- Anant Srivastava (@anantshri) - For Activity Tester Idea