A list of useful payloads and bypass for Web Application Security and Pentest/CTF
Clone a voice in 5 seconds to generate arbitrary speech in real-time
An advanced Twitter scraping & OSINT tool written in Python that doesn't use Twitter's API, allowing you to scrape a user's followers, following, Tweets and more while evading most API limitations.
"Can I take over XYZ?" — a list of services and how to claim (sub)domains with dangling DNS records.
Top disclosed reports from HackerOne
A community-driven, open-source project to share detection logic, adversary tradecraft and resources to make detection development more efficient.
Malwoverview is a first response tool used for threat hunting and offers intel information from Virus Total, Hybrid Analysis, URLHaus, Polyswarm, Malshare, Alien Vault, Malpedia, Malware Bazaar, Th…
JexBoss: Jboss (and Java Deserialization Vulnerabilities) verify and EXploitation Tool
Offensive Software Exploitation Course
❄️ PcapXray - A Network Forensics Tool - To visualize a Packet Capture offline as a Network Diagram including device identification, highlight important communication and file extraction
Gives you one-liners that aids in penetration testing operations, privilege escalation and more
XSS spider - 66/66 wavsep XSS detected
Burpsuite Extension to bypass 403 restricted directory
Perform a MitM attack and extract clear text credentials from RDP connections
How to exploit a double free vulnerability in 2021. Use After Free for Dummies
The Prime Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Audit and Exploitation Toolkit.
Collection of Scripts for shodan searching stuff.
A PoC that packages payloads into output containers to evade Mark-of-the-Web flag & demonstrate risks associated with container file formats. Supports: ZIP, 7zip, PDF, ISO, IMG, CAB, VHD, VHDX
Extract and aggregate threat intelligence.
A PrintNightmare (CVE-2021-34527) Python Scanner. Scan entire subnets for hosts vulnerable to the PrintNightmare RCE
This project is a cross-platform backdoor/reverse shell and post-exploitation tool written in Python3
OSINT tool - gets data from services like shodan, censys etc. in one app