A Vinyl-Trading enterprise app built with Node.js + TypeScript using Domain-Driven Design
from the Domain-Driven Design with Typescript + Node.js course
I'm still working on solidbook.io! At the end of the book, we build ddd-forum, a simple TypeScript/DDD app. I suggest you check out that repo for now. It's a bit more up-to-date with preferred coding conventions for DDD in TypeScript. Once I finish the book, I'll jump back over to this repo, clean it up, and finish it for the course. Thanks!
This repo isn't quite finished! That means that it might not run properly at the moment. I'm still working on the repo and the course. Feel free to fork it and play around with it or star it and keep up to date with the changes.
My comments:
Articles: https://khalilstemmler.com/articles/typescript-domain-driven-design/repository-dto-mapper/ https://khalilstemmler.com/articles/enterprise-typescript-nodejs/clean-nodejs-architecture/ https://khalilstemmler.com/articles/sequelize-tags-junction-pattern