The following releases of the library are currently being supported with security updates. Please refer to the project's home page for actual version numbers.
- Stable
- Legacy
- Development (Git master branch)
Older releases are no longer supported.
If you discover a vulnerability in ADOdb, please contact the project's maintainer
- by e-mail (look for it in the Git history)
- via private chat on Gitter
Kindly provide the following information in your report:
- Affected ADOdb version(s) or Git revision
- A clear and detailed description of the issue, including if possible a code snippet to demonstrate or reproduce the vulnerability
- A patch for the issue if you have one, preferably in Git diff format
To ensure a comprehensive and detailed declaration of the issue, we generally prefer requesting CVE IDs ourselves, which usually happens after our analysis confirms the vulnerability.
In case you have already obtained a CVE ID, do not forget to reference it in your report.
Let us know if and how you wish to be credited for the finding.
Your name, e-mail, company, etc. will be included as specified in the CVE report, as well as in the Git commit message patching the issue.