Ledger is a full-featured implementation of the core of any good accounting system, a double-entry journal and general ledger. It is not a complete accounting solution, but rather the minimum for keeping track of financial transactions. Ledger features a JSON API that provides access to all functions.
That's the only minimal part. Ledger features:
- Full double-entry accounting system with audit trail capability.
- Multi-currency support.
- Support for multiple business units.
- Sub-journal support.
- Multilingual.
- Integrates via direct controller access or through JSON API.
- Atomic transactions with concurrent update blocking.
- Reference system supports soft linking to other ERP components.
- Designed for Laravel from the ground up.
Full documentation is available here.
Install Ledger with composer:
composer require abivia/ledger
Publish configuration:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Abivia\Ledger\LedgerServiceProvider"
Create database tables
php artisan migrate
The configuration file is installed as config\ledger.php
. You can enable/disable the
JSON API, set middleware, and a path prefix to the API.
If you're getting something out of Ledger, you can sponsor us in any amount you wish using Liberapay
Liberapay is itself run on donations and charges no fees beyond bank charges.