.. todo:: write: what do we want, and how far did we get kapulkin et al. tribes. sometimes, have models in LCC infty-cats. shulman's papers: models of hott in some presentations of some infty-toposes ("reedy category stuff") knapp et al.
In the HoTT book, Appendix A.2, the formal type theory is presented by giving three types of judgments:
- contexts judgments (that express that some context is well-formed),
- typing judgments (that express that some term is well-formed and has some type), and
- appropriate judgmental equality rules.
In this presentation, the elements of universes are exactly types. This is known as a type universe à la Russell.
However, semantically, a different presentation is preferred, in which the elements of universes are thought of as codes for types, which may be instantiated to obtain actual types. This is known as a type universe à la Tarski. So when studying semantics, type theory is presented by:
- context judgments (that express that some context is well-formed),
- type judgments (that express that some expression is a well-formed type),
- term judgments (that express that some term is well-formed and has some type), and
- appropriate judgmental equality rules (for both types and terms).
The semantics of a type theory in this second style needs to interpret the three kinds of objects, namely contexts, types, and terms, and it needs to respect judgmental equality, in the sense that if two types (say) are judgmentally equal in the type theory, then they are semantically equal.
One way to construct a semantics of type theory is to take the interpretations to be the syntax itself, modulo judgmental equality rules. In such a syntactic models of type theory, the semantics respects judgmental equality automatically, since judgmental equality is exactly what is divided out when constructing the model.
In categorical semantics, the contexts \Gamma of the type theory are interpreted by objects G of some fixed category \mathcal{C}, with the morphisms modelling substitutions. Typically, the empty context \cdot (rule ctx-EMP in Appendix A.2) is interpreted by the terminal object. To interpret the context extension rule (ctx-EXT in Appendix A.2), we need a semantic context extension. But to say what that is, we first need to understand how to interpret types.
The types in a fixed context \Gamma are interpreted by certain morphism A:GA\to G into the interpretation G of that context \Gamma. (In the case of HoTT, necessarily not all morphisms are eligible - see below.)
Finally, given a semantic context G and a semantic type in that context, the terms of that type are interpreted as sections s:G \to GA of the morphism A:GA\to G that models the type.
For more information on categorical semantics of type theory with a universe à la Tarski, see e.g. Hofmann :cite:`hofmann:syntax:semantics`.
We now consider categorical semantics in the case that the underlying category \mathcal{C} of our semantics is a presheaf category \mathbf{Set}^{\mathcal{D}^{op}}.
Usually, the semantics are somewhat obscured as semantic types are presented differently: instead of maps into contexts, a semantic type A in the semantic context G (where G is an object of our category, that is, a presheaf G:\mathcal{D}^{op}\to\mathbf{Set}) is defined to be a family of sets (A_{d,g})_{d\in\mathcal{D},\,g\in G(d)} together with maps (A_{d',g'}\to A_{d,G(i)(g')})_{i:d\to d',\, g'\in G(d')}. Additionally, these families are supposed to satisfy certain functoriality conditions.
We can translate such families to our presentation above by defining a new presheaf GA by GA(d):=\bigsqcup_{g\in G(d)}A_{d,g}, and similarly for the morphisms, and with the natural transformation A:GA\to G sending all elements of A_{d,g} to g\in G(d).
Conversely, given a presheaf GA and a natural transformation A:GA\to G, we define A_{d,g}:=A^{-1}_d(g) (noting that A_{d,g}\subseteq GA(d)), and the map A_{d',g'}\to A_{d,G(i)(g')} is defined by restriction of GA(i):GA(d')\to GA(d).
A further complication may be that people consider semantics in presheafs on an opposite category, in which case tracing the ops around can take some effort.
As a naive attempt at finding semantics for type theory, we interpret a context \Gamma by an object G of some ordinary category \mathcal{C}, and interpret types in \Gamma by a map into G. However, such a naive interpretation will not allow us to interpret univalent type theories. In Awodey&Warren :cite:`awodey:warren:models`, Proposition 2.1, we see why we need to restrict our semantics of types. Namely, if we start with a category of contexts which is LCC (since we want to interpret dependent products), and if it has identity types, and if all morphisms are accepted as semantic types, then we are necessarily modelling extensional MLTT, and so we ruled out univalence.
Instead, we want to pick out a certain subset of our maps to represent types over contexts. One naive approach is to just take any category and ask for extra data, so that we can tell types apart from arbitrary maps. This approach has resulted in various definitions of this extra data: categories with families, categories with attributes, contextual categories (aka C-system), display map categories, and comprehension categories.
These various definitions are unsatisfying since they are not invariant under equivalence of the underlying category. For example, there is no contextual category on the 1-object 1-morphism category, since it needs countably many copies even of the terminal object, but there is a contextual category in which all objects are terminal.
(NB: In category theory, there is the notion of Grothendieck fibration, which is sometimes referred to plainly as a fibration. It is not the same as this concept.)
In categorical semantics of HoTT, we need to distinguish arbitrary maps between the objects (namely context morphisms or substitutions, since the objects represent contexts) from maps that represent types over a context (as types in a context are represented by maps into that context) (see :ref:`cwf` above).
Usually, we specify this by saying which maps are fibrations, and more generally we show that the category is a model category. So what it means for a certain semantic object to be a fibration depends on the chosen model category structure. For example, in simplicial sets, a map is defined to be a fibration if it is Kan. Because of the importance of the Kan condition, in semantics of type theory, we sometimes refer to the fibrations as Kan fibrations.
So we say which maps are fibrations, so that we can define a corresponding (say) CwF out of the model category, which has as the types exactly the fibrations into the context.
.. todo:: NB: all *semantic* maps are fibrations, but this is not true as an internal statement. see also: translating natural language to type theory
.. todo:: various ways to present fibrations: types in context, sigma type, type family
.. todo:: - presentation in terms of coface and codegeneracy maps is equivalent to saying "take all order-preserving morphisms" - different categories :math:`\Delta` in literature, and their applications: compositions, inverses, etc
.. todo:: various iterations
.. todo:: write