Amplication - Amplication is an open‑source development tool. It helps you develop quality Node.js applications without spending time on repetitive coding tasks.
This chart deploys on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.
- Kubernetes v1.16+
To install the chart with the release name amplication
$ git clone ; cd amplication
$ helm install amplication chart/amplication --create-namespace --namespace amplication
The command deploys on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration. The configuration section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation.
To uninstall/delete the amplication
$ helm delete amplication --namespace amplication
The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.
The following table lists the configurable parameters of the amplication
chart and their default values.
Parameter | Description | Default |
imagePullSecrets | [] |
nameOverride | "" |
fullnameOverride | "" |
| | scheduler |
scheduler.replicaCount | 1 |
scheduler.autoscaling.enabled | false |
scheduler.autoscaling.minReplicas | 1 |
scheduler.autoscaling.maxReplicas | 100 |
scheduler.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage | 80 |
scheduler.autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage | 80 |
scheduler.podAnnotations | {} |
scheduler.image.pullPolicy | Always |
scheduler.image.repository | amplication/scheduler |
scheduler.image.tag | Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion. | latest |
scheduler.resources | {} |
scheduler.config.env.POSTGRESQL_URL | `` | | | docker |
containerbuilder.docker.replicaCount | 1 |
containerbuilder.docker.autoscaling.enabled | false |
containerbuilder.docker.autoscaling.minReplicas | 1 |
containerbuilder.docker.autoscaling.maxReplicas | 100 |
containerbuilder.docker.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage | 80 |
containerbuilder.docker.autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage | 80 |
containerbuilder.docker.podAnnotations | {} |
containerbuilder.docker.image.pullPolicy | Always |
containerbuilder.docker.image.repository | docker |
containerbuilder.docker.image.tag | dind |
containerbuilder.docker.service.type | ClusterIP |
containerbuilder.docker.service.port | 2375 |
containerbuilder.docker.resources | {} |
| | registry |
containerbuilder.registry.replicaCount | 1 |
| | registry-data |
containerbuilder.registry.volume.path | /var/lib/registry |
containerbuilder.registry.volume.storageLimit | 20Gi |
containerbuilder.registry.volume.storageRequest | 2Gi |
containerbuilder.registry.autoscaling.enabled | false |
containerbuilder.registry.autoscaling.minReplicas | 1 |
containerbuilder.registry.autoscaling.maxReplicas | 100 |
containerbuilder.registry.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage | 80 |
containerbuilder.registry.autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage | 80 |
containerbuilder.registry.podAnnotations | {} |
containerbuilder.registry.image.pullPolicy | Always |
containerbuilder.registry.image.repository | registry |
containerbuilder.registry.image.tag | 2 |
containerbuilder.registry.service.type | ClusterIP |
containerbuilder.registry.service.port | 5000 |
containerbuilder.registry.resources | {} |
| | app |
app.replicaCount | 1 |
| | app-artifacts-data |
app.volume.path | /artifacts |
app.volume.storageLimit | 5Gi |
app.volume.storageRequest | 1Gi |
app.autoscaling.enabled | false |
app.autoscaling.minReplicas | 1 |
app.autoscaling.maxReplicas | 100 |
app.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage | 80 |
app.autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage | 80 |
app.podAnnotations | {} |
app.image.pullPolicy | Always |
app.image.repository | amplication/amplication |
app.image.tag | Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion. | latest |
app.service.type | ClusterIP |
app.service.port | 3000 |
app.resources | {} |
app.config.env.POSTGRESQL_URL | `` | |
app.config.env.JWT_SECRET | jwt-secret |
app.config.env.SERVICE_JWT_SECRET | service-jwt-secret |
app.config.env.BCRYPT_SALT_OR_ROUNDS | "10" |
app.config.env.NODE_ENV | production |
app.config.env.CORS_ENABLE | "1" |
app.config.env.PORT | `` | |
app.config.env.HOST | `` | |
app.config.env.DEFAULT_DISK | local |
app.config.env.LOCAL_DISK_ROOT | /artifacts |
app.config.env.CONTAINER_BUILDER_DEFAULT | docker |
postgres.install | Setting "install" to true will install third-party helm chart (bitnami/postgres) | true |
postgres.postgresqlDatabase | postgres |
postgres.postgresqlUsername | postgres |
postgres.postgresqlPassword | Fd7zZXWvCY3bdgLHz |
postgres.servicePort | 5432 |
| | "localpostgres" |
postgres.fullnameOverride | "localpostgres" |
Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value]
argument to helm install
. For example:
$ helm install amplication chart/amplication --namespace amplication --set
Alternatively, a YAML file that specifies the values for the parameters can be provided while installing the chart. For example:
$ helm install amplication chart/amplication --namespace amplication --values values.yaml