Bot Framework Composer, a visual authoring tool for building Conversational AI applications, has seen strong uptake from customers and positive feedback since entering general availability at Microsoft BUILD 2020. We continue to invest in ensuring Composer provides the best possible experience for our customers, with a focus on meeting priority customer (both 1st and 3rd party) requirements, including:
Integrated QnA Maker knowledge base creation and management in addition to the existing LUIS integration for Language Understanding, reducing the need for a customer to leave the context of the Composer environment.
Internationalization of the product, broadening its accessibility, as well as introducing multilingual capabilities for bots built with Composer, allowing our customers to do the same.
A continued focus on the fundamentals of the application, with improved performance, enhancements to the overall authoring experience, and broader inclusion for our user base with a preview of the Composer runtime in JavaScript.
Deeper integration with the Azure platform for publishing applications built with Composer, along with management of related services.
Additional integration with Power Virtual Agents, part of the Power Platform, including improved capabilities to extend PVA solutions by building Bot Framework skills.
To learn more about Composer and get started today visit the Composer official documentation or see a special episode of Channel 9’s AI Show introducing and walking through the tool
- feat: move to 4.10.2 runtime packages (#3915) (@boydc2014)
- feat: Qna recognizer (#3704) (@liweitian)
- feat: Plumbs UpdateActivity and DeleteActivity into the app (#3887) (@cwhitten)
- feat: adding support to TelemetryTraceEvent in Flow Editor (#3873) (@yeze322)
- feat: enable js runtime (preview) (#3198) (@VanyLaw)
- feat: Design tweaks to Skill Manifest Generation Wizard (#3864) (@tdurnford)
- feat: Update package to 4.10.0 and update schema and add samples for signoutuser (#3862) (@luhan2017)
- feat: use more specific placeholders (#3830) (@leugene-microsoft)
- feat: Generate skill manifest (#3835) (@tdurnford)
- feat: Add undo/redo for design page (#3780) (@lei9444)
- feat: sync form title, trigger intent and lu intent (#3803) (@a-b-r-o-w-n)
- feat: Intellisense for Composer (#3743) (@leugene-microsoft)
- feat: Added dialog schema editor to the Adaptive Dialog Property Editor (#3436) (@tdurnford)
- feat: provide error detail in popup. (#3755) (@zhixzhan)
- feat: yield Action fly-out menu from uischema (#3721) (@yeze322)
- feat: control Flow Editor via the Electron app menu (#3660) (@yeze322)
- feat: Multilang refinement (#3718) (@zhixzhan)
- feat: move composer plugin settings into ui schema (#3733) (@a-b-r-o-w-n)
- feat: support bot project's ui schema (#3680) (@a-b-r-o-w-n)
- feat: Multiple language (#3398) (@zhixzhan)
- feat: Using Recoil JS for state management (#3587) (@srinaath)
- feat: grouping Toolbar buttons under the 'Edit' dropdown button (#3608) (@yeze322)
- feat: use user's qna config in action (#3899) (@alanlong9278)
- feat: Wire up password in skills page (#3843) (@cwhitten)
- fix: "Reloading" spin forever when restart bot (#3931) (@VanyLaw)
- fix: Update getSelectedOption to return correct option for enums (#3928) (@tdurnford)
- fix: Fix dialog redirect/refresh behavior (#3914) (@tdurnford)
- fix: Improve performance of the editor behavior in LU (#3920) (@lei9444)
- fix: azure deploy bugfix (#3901) (@alanlong9278)
- fix: Improve performance of the editor behavior in LG (#3900) (@lei9444)
- fix: editor diagnostic line number shifting (#3891) (@zhixzhan)
- fix: clean the cache when deleting a bot (#3883) (@lei9444)
- fix: lg tablelist bugfix & regressions (#3868) (@zhixzhan)
- fix: open a new bot will nagivate to the old bot (#3871) (@lei9444)
- fix: multi-lang all up view refinement (#3847) (@zhixzhan)
- fix: refresh page client state lost error. (#3852) (@zhixzhan)
- fix: resolve conflict between Electron native shortcut and FlowEditor shortcuts (#3846) (@yeze322)
- fix: lg editor validation error & intelligence (#3816) (@zhixzhan)
- fix: let values pass without needless sanitization (#3805) (@beyackle)
- fix: fix name repeated detection in publish profile (#3797) (@VanyLaw)
- fix: fix lubuild error while publishing to azure (#3785) (@zidaneymar)
- fix: yarn build will run yarn build:plugin twice (#3786) (@lei9444)
- fix: dialog ref lg/lu name formate to lowercase (#3781) (@zhixzhan)
- fix: Luis publish missing parameter (#3764) (@zhixzhan)
- fix: LG/LU editing performance optimize (#3738) (@zhixzhan)
- fix: add missing formatMessage calls (#3681) (@beyackle)
- fix: composer loading bot forever due to unexpected main dialog (#3751) (@lei9444)
- fix: make update-schema.ps1 more resilient (#3741) (@a-b-r-o-w-n)
- fix: file persistence's flush method should wait for all tasks finish (#3726) (@lei9444)
- fix: allow storage implementation to determine writability (#3630) (@benbrown)
- fix: fix deploy issue because botproject files structure changed (#3719) (@VanyLaw)
- fix: loop infinitely on publish page when get publish status (#3716) (@lei9444)
- fix: validate skill empty & add duplicate dialog (#3686) (@zhixzhan)
- fix: Open a new bot after delete a bot will nagivate to the old bot (#3676) (@lei9444)
- fix: set deleteOldVersion to true when publishing luis (#3661) (@lei9444)
- fix: the luis settings sometimes are lost when publishing luis (#3635) (@lei9444)
- fix: add ability to update the boilerplate content (#3575) (@benbrown)
- fix: let Flow Editor's focus border fullfill its view box (#3605) (@yeze322)
- fix: Syntax error when creating a "Send a response" node (#3604) (@zhixzhan)
- fix: recognizer dropdown fix (#3918) (@alanlong9278)
- fix: import url bugfix (#3892) (@alanlong9278)
- fix: fix edit profile during publishing (#3885) (@VanyLaw)
- fix: fix sample bot (#3870) (@zhixzhan)
- fix: Remove the logic of forcing the autoEndDialog to be false (#3763) (@luhan2017)
- fix: do not force dialog name to lowercase (#3817) (@zhixzhan)
- fix: fix recognition of integers as numbers in ExpressionField (#3652) (@beyackle)
- test: enable automatic retries for e2e tests (#3895) (@a-b-r-o-w-n)
- test: add qnaUtil test (#3903) (@liweitian)
- test: add publish page ut and e2e test (#3820) (@VanyLaw)
- build: use importHelpers compiler option (#3789) (@a-b-r-o-w-n)
- chore: Move styles inside App component (#3700) (@lei9444)
- chore: Gcox/toolbar hygiene (#3691) (@GeoffCoxMSFT)
- doc: home page text (#3651) (@zxyanliu)
- chore: upgrade Fabric/Fluent and relatives to 7.121 (#3597) (@beyackle)
- chore: Rename to new main branch name (#3619) (@GeoffCoxMSFT)
- docs: Update banner with the right location (#3612) Ali Heikal
- chore: Merge master into recoil spike (#3543) (@srinaath)
- chore: Bump lodash in /Composer/plugins/localPublish (#3866) dependabot[bot]
- chore: remove dulplicate startCommand in setting.runtime (#3876) (@VanyLaw)
- chore: bump lodash from 4.17.15 to 4.17.19 in /Composer (#3648) dependabot[bot]
- chore: 1.1 cleanup (#3927) (@cwhitten)
- chore: separates Form / Flow's EditorExtensionContext (#3784) (@yeze322)
- chore: diff 'action'/ 'trigger' / 'recognizer' from custom schema (#3773) (@yeze322)
- chore: add schema to circular ref list (#3856) (@a-b-r-o-w-n)
- chore: Fixed backup extension filename (#3828) (@GeoffCoxMSFT)
- chore: re-use lg parser process (#3753) (@a-b-r-o-w-n)
- chore: show error message response from server (#3752) (@VanyLaw)
- chore: Added assessment of recoil (#3417) (@GeoffCoxMSFT)
- chore: add error for nameless dialog file (#3666) (@beyackle)